Printed from
Nov 9, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Will there be a bi-partisan cover-up?

Judiciary committee prepared to throw Starr to the Lions

Politicians Signal Willingness On Sunday Talk Shows to Sweep Clinton Crimes Under the Rug

Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman expressed concerns today that most House Republicans, including many on the House Judiciary Committee, are prepared to use Kenneth Starr as a lightning rod and sweep the impeachment proceeding under the carpet after Starr, who is currently the only witness scheduled to testify, is thrown to the Democrats next week.

"We've expected most Democrats to want to cover up the Clinton crimes in Monicagate, Filegate, and Chinagate. But to see Republicans, the opposition party, now express a willingness to give President Clinton a pass on all the felonies he has committed is outrageous. On the Sunday talk shows, key Republicans prepared supporters for their plans to 'roll over' and close the impeachment proceedings, without even looking at more serious scandals such as Chinagate and Filegate," said Klayman.

"Though there are a few signs that the House Judiciary Committee may actually try to hold Clinton accountable, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates most Republicans will, for political reasons, join the Democrats in covering up President Clinton's high crimes and misdemeanors," noted Klayman.

"I call on the next Speaker of the House, Bob Livingston, to uphold the rule of law. If not, he will go the way of Speaker Gingrich, who was prevented by his own legal problems from carrying out meaningful investigations of corruption in The White House and Congress," concluded Klayman.

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