Printed from
Dec 4, 1998
Contact: Press Office

We told you so...

Republican 'keystone kops' cut and run on Chinagate

Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman today blasted House Judiciary Committee Republicans for dropping consideration of "Chinagate" and related White House fund- raising scandals from the Clinton impeachment case. The decision not to pursue this line of investigation will help bolster the claim of Clinton allies that the impeachment issue is "just about sex."

"Once again Congressional Republicans have cut and run from their duty to the American people," Klayman said. "The �Chinagate' scandal is the basis for the most serious charges against Clinton. The criminal actions in the �Chinagate' scandal undeniably constitute high crimes and misdemeanors. It's not just about sex it's about bribery and treason."

al Watch, a public interest watchdog group, discovered Clinton-Gore fund-raiser John Huang and sparked the "Chinagate" scandal. On November 24, 1998, Judicial Watch filed a new �Chinagate' lawsuit aimed at uncovering details of alleged influence peddling in exchange for the transfer of technology to the Chinese. The suit names as defendants Loral Space and Communications CEO Bernard Schwartz, President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Huang and a number of others. The suit also alleges that all the involved parties have violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

"Congressional Republicans obviously have no desire to see justice done in this case," Klayman. "They've consistently ignored the most serious charges against Clinton and have only gone through the motions in a half-hearted attempt to mollify their conservative base. They have no stomach for pursuing impeachment. Instead, they just pay lip service to the idea to keep the campaign donations flowing in.

"I predict that yesterday's ignominious retreat will be enough for most conservatives to see through this charade. If the Republicans do not impeach and convict," Klayman concluded. "Their party is over."

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