Printed from
Dec 8, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Democrats prepare to defend the most corrupt president in American history

All The President�s Men Expected To Continue Avoiding The Facts

As the House Judiciary Committee enters into its final round of impeachment hearings, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman has called on Congress to do its duty and uphold the Constitution. Klayman urged Congress to impeach Bill Clinton, whom he termed, "the most corrupt president in American history."

"The size, scope, and absolute pervasiveness of scandal in the Clinton Administration is without precedent," Klayman said. "Clinton is without question, the most corrupt and dishonest president in American history."

Judicial Watch has been more effective than any other entity public or private in providing independent oversight of the scandal-ridden administration. Judicial Watch has filed twenty-one lawsuits on the numerous Clinton scandals and presented its findings to Congress in the Judicial Watch Interim Report, which outlines the most serious crimes "Chinagate," "Filegate," "IRS-gate" and "Trustgate."

"Although the Lewinsky matter is nowhere near as serious as the other Clinton scandals, the President did commit the impeachable offenses of perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power," Klayman said. "The White House has yet to address any of the issues at hand. There has been no attempt to contradict, deny or refute any of the facts. Instead, all the president�s men have focused on attacking the independent counsel and presenting academic discourses on historical standards for impeachment. They�ve mounted no real defense, because there is no real defense.

"Most analysts now agree that the Judiciary Committee will vote out one or more articles of impeachment -- most likely on a party line vote," Klayman added. "When the question of impeachment comes to the House floor, it will be up to the Republican Majority to uphold the rule of law by voting to impeach. If the Republicans fail to do their Constitutional duty, their party will be as good as finished with their rank and file, who are fed-up with their lack of principle."

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