Printed from
Dec 16, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch questions timing of strike on Iraq

Today’s Action Clearly An Attempt To Stave Off Impeachment

Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman released the following statement in response to the U.S. military action in Iraq:

"The timing of today’s military strikes against Iraq must be called into question. Coming as it does, on the eve of the House of Representative’s scheduled vote on impeachment, it is clear that the decision to take this action now was influenced by President’s Clinton’s concern over his own personal, political future. American servicemen and women should not be put in harm’s way in an attempt to stave off impeachment.

"Why strike today? Why not two weeks ago? Why not two months ago? Why not next week?

"Judicial Watch has in the past supported the Clinton Administration when it took military action for seemingly valid national security reasons, but now we must join with Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and national security experts in questioning the timing of this action.

"The House should not delay in taking up the issue of impeachment. Tomorrow’s scheduled debate and voting should go forward as planned. Reps. Gerald Solomon and Bob Barr have both taken a strong stand in support of keeping impeachment on schedule, and we salute them for it."

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