Printed from
Feb 17, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Clinton likely hid truth about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction until after 1996 elections

Public about to learn 'the hard way' why an honest president is important

attacking on Iraq could trigger wave of Islamic terrorism in United States

It is now apparent that President Clinton was not honest with the American people about Saddam Hussein's buildup of weapons of mass destruction during the first five years of his Administration. Clearly, U.S. intelligence agencies must or should have known about this, but the information was obviously withheld from the American people as part of President Clinton's campaign to win reelection. Coupled with this withholding of material information, was an illegal fundraising scheme which allowed foreign agents into the inner reaches of the Amerian government, including The White House. Many experts believe that U.S. national security interests were compromised and sold for money to win Clinton's reelection.

"Between 70-80% of the American people now believe, according to polls, that honesty in a President does not matter as long as the economy is doing well, and we are at peace. But how long will we be at peace if the Clinton Administration, now faced with a real crisis of its own doing, precipitates a debacle in the Persian Gulf? Any attack on Iraq, which will not eliminate the weapons of mass destruction which have built up during Clinton's reign, will likely unleash a fierce wave of Islamic retaliation, including possible attacks on U.S. cities with the very weapons which are at issue. At this point, the American people may learn, the hard way, the necessity of having an honest President; but it may then be too late," says Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch. Klayman added,"The American people must now demand all the facts before U.S. forces are committed to any military action which could unleash a wave of attacks against them."

Judicial Watch is the public interest group which uncovered John Huang and sparked the campaign finance scandal, and is also prosecuting a $90 million dollar class action suit in the Filegate scandal. The group stands for honesty in government and now has 17 active lawsuits and investigations into government corruption.

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