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Feb 18, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch sues Federal Election Commission for failure to investigate campaing finance scandal

Agency is 'laughing stock' but the joke is not funny

Judicial Watch, Inc., the public interest group that uncovered the sale of seats on taxpayer financed trade missions at the Clinton-Gore Commerce Department, deposed John Huang and sparked potentially the biggest corruption scandal in government history, has sued the Federal Election Commission for its dereliction in not investigating the wholesale abuse of the campaign finance laws.

Previously, Judicial Watch filed a complaint with the FEC detailing the sale of taxpayer financed trade missions in exchange for large campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign and Democratic Party. Later, additional documents were produced to Judicial Watch and Congress which confirmed the sale of government resources for contributions in violation of 18 U.S.C. 600 and other laws. A document, for instance, makes reference to the payment of a $100,000 campaign contribution in exchange for the provision of various taxpayer financed government services, including trade missions.

Despite this uncontroverted evidence, the FEC never contacted Judicial Watch, or conducted any discernible investigation. Thus, Judicial Watch has filed suit in federal court to force the FEC's hand.

Much like the Thompson Committee, which was reticent to look into campaign finance illegalities, for fear of involving donors to the Republican Party as well, the FEC is headed by a split contingent of Democrat and Republican members. Its inaction is a stark reminder why public interest groups, such as Judicial Watch, are necessary to make sure that the peoples' interests are represented. Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch, stated: "In today's America, the people are no longer represented in Washington, D.C. Instead, the country, more than ever, is led by a group of political cronies, whose only goal is to perpetuate their own interests. Perhaps more so than even in 1776, the American people have been disenfranchised by their leaders, and must now rise up to wage a second American revolution. By using the courts, and other legal means, Judicial Watch hopes to be the peoples' means to accomplish this goal. Judicial Watch calls upon all citizens groups, no matter what their political persuasions, to be active, as the government no longer represents the people."

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