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Oct 26, 1998
Contact: Press Office

'... And the horse he [Starr] rode in on' and the record 'he [Carville] rode out with'

New Carville book more than just 'trash;' it confirms the workings of the Clinton smear campaign

James Carville has written and had published a new book, ...And the Horse He Rode In On. In reality, the book, which in addition to Judge Kenneth Starr, attacks perceived Clinton adversaries and material witnesses, may prove to be his -- not the perceived adversaries' -- undoing.

Much of the material in the book likely comes from Carville's involvement with David Kendall and the private investigators who he hired on behalf of the President to pry into the private lives of the perceived adversaries. Moreover, during a Judicial Watch deposition, Carville admitted that he discussed releasing to the media the now famous "Kathleen Willey letters," which had been kept and maintained in a White House system of records. The President later confirmed, in his grand jury testimony, that the Willey letters were official White House records. This would make them subject to the Privacy Act, and thus Carville's involvement in their release made him an accessory to aiding and abetting illegal conduct. In addition, when Judicial Watch subpoenaed all of Carville's claimed records, he produced documents sent to him from the White House. This correspondence likely came from files which are subject to the Privacy Act and released to Carville contrary to its provisions. Judicial Watch is pursuing this line of inquiry in its $90 million dollar class action lawsuit in the Filegate matter. Thus far, it has determined that the "mentality" of Filegate extends far beyond just the obtaining of FBI files, but to the misuse of government files in general in violation of the Privacy Act. Carville's complicity with the President over the release of the Willey letters is just one example.

Judicial Watch's Interim Report, which was accepted into the official record of the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry on October 6, 1998, details some of Carville's complicity with White House operatives. How much of his book was fed to him out of White House files? "Judicial Watch will find this out in the days ahead," stated its chairman Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch's Interim Report can be found on the Internet at

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