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 For Immediate Release
Mar 10, 1999 Contact: Press Office

Gore Deeply Involved in Chinagate

New Judicial Watch Lawsuit Names Him As a Defendant in Scheme to Transfer Technology to the Chinese in Exchange for Campaign Contributions


(Washington, March 10 1999) "No controlling legal authority" Al Gore will finally be held accountable; not by Janet Reno's Justice Department, the defunct Thompson Committee, or the inert Burton Committee (its funds to investigate having been taken away by Newt Gingrich and current House leaders), but by Judicial Watch.

In a lawsuit filed by two shareholders of Loral, Judicial Watch has sued Al Gore, the Clintons, John Huang, the Democratic National Committee and others for selling not only seats on trade missions, but granting export licenses for high technology transfers to China, in exchange for campaign contributions by American companies. These actions compromised U.S. security interests.

Democrats and Republicans have never wanted to get into this issue, because the American companies which transferred the technology to China give heavily to both parties. Indeed, today in The Washington Post, Al Kamen, in his "Inside the Loop" column, correctly points out how the companies which go on trade missions give to both parties. On these trade missions, the deals were struck, with Clinton Administration approval, to transfer the technology. Espionage also likely occurred, as American businessmen must have come into contact, however unwittingly, with Chinese intelligence agents.

"The Chinese own this Administration -- so the decision to not only transfer high technology, but also to cover up security breaches of nuclear secrets, comes as no surprise. The Chinese had to purchase something for the millions they pumped into the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. "With Al Gore, the Chinese have their investment for the future," he added.

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