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 For Immediate Release
Aug 31, 1999 Contact: Press Office


"I don't think it my place to do that (ask Reno to resign)" - Senator Orrin Hatch on Fox News Sunday, 29 August 1999

"If the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee does not think it his place to ask Attorney General Janet Reno to resign, then what are Americans to conclude about him and his political party; that they too have skeletons that they do not want exposed?

(Washington, August 31) Last Sunday, the Washington Establishment was in full display on Fox News Sunday. Despite the fact that the Senate Judiciary Committee has an oversight authority over the Department of Justice, Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch had the following exchange with Brit Hume:

Hume: Senator, you've said this is the most politicized Justice Department in your time in Washington. You've described this as a failure; you've said there's a lack of cooperation on top. You said you're running for President to oust the leadership of the Department of Justice and yet consistently, time and again, asked if you would call on Janet Reno or call for her resignation, you've stopped short. Why?

Hatch: Well, I don't think that's my place to do that. I have to say.

Hume: Well, if it's not your place as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose place is it?


Hatch: Well, it's not my nature. I'm just not somebody who is going to try and destroy somebody's career without the (Clinton) administration making that decision.

"There you have it. Senator Orrin Hatch, finds it more important to protect the career of one of the Washington Establishment -- Janet Reno -- than represent the interests of the American people. Senator, Hatch, it's time for you to resign as well," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

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