Printed from
Jul 2, 1999
Contact: Press Office

Easing of rules on high-tech computers to communist China shows bi-partisan Washington "donor club"

Clinton Republicrats care more for big donors than National Security

(Washington, July 2) Judicial Watch, the non-partisan government watchdog, said today that news from the Clinton Administration that it would allow China greater access to more sophisticated American computers and other technology further shows that America's national security plays second fiddle to the concerns of foreign and domestic donors.

"To allow China access to the best of America's computer technology is downright dangerous. Judicial Watch has come to expect this corrupt disregard for common sense and national security from Bill Clinton (who has accepted millions from the Chinese communists), but to see George W. Bush make supportive comments for the dangerous policy change, during his fundraising trip to Silicon Valley, shows that neither political party is willing to confront the Chinagate scandal head on because donors from both sides of the political aisle are involved," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch also noted that the news of Clinton's new sop to China came on the eve of the Fourth of July, so that this move is lost in the holiday shuffle.

"Judicial Watch will actively investigate this latest Chinagate development with a special focus on exposing how 'bi-partisanship' is involved," announced Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch cited as an example the involvement of John Podesta, the President's Chief of Staff, in the rules changes allowing more and better computers to China. In Judicial Watch's ongoing Chinagate lawsuit, Podesta faces possible contempt proceedings for his alleged role in covering up the sale of seats on Clinton Commerce Department trade missions for campaign contributions. Additionally, Podesta's brother, Anthony, reportedly represents many computer firms and was a fundraiser for Republican politicians such as House Speaker Denny Hastert.

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