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 For Immediate Release
Apr 12, 2000 Contact: Press Office


"Fight Of The Century"

Someone Must Continue to Wage Battle Against Communism

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch will be intervening and filing amicus briefs in the lawsuit recently filed in Miami by the American Civil Liberties Union ("ACLU") to attempt to remove the Miami-Dade County boycott of commerce with Cuba, commonly known as the "Cuba Affidavit."

Recently, events concerning Elian Gonzales and the coziness of the Clinton Administration with Castro, not only unmask the latent far-leftist bent of the current Administration, but have also brought out of the woodwork groups such as the ACLU.

"Judicial Watch will not stand by and allow Miami-Dade County or any American entity to be forced to do business with a totalitarian dictator and murderer from Communist Cuba. The ‘rape' of Elian Gonzales' right to liberty and freedom is just the opening salvo of the war between the right and the left over the reintroduction of Communist influence into U.S. society," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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