Printed from
Jan 13, 2000
Contact: Press Office



Hatch To Use Clinton Scandals as Campaign Issue But He's Done Nothing About Them As Senator; Judicial Watch Investigating Hatch's Role in BCCI Scandal

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, said today that Senator Hatch's new-found interest in the many Clinton scandals is the "height of hypocrisy" for a Senator who, as the head of the Senate Judiciary that oversees the Justice Department, has allowed Janet Reno to obstruct justice on these very same scandals with impunity.

As part of his campaign for the presidency, Hatch plans to run an infomercial, excerpts of which are printed in today's Wall Street Journal, in Iowa and New Hampshire excoriating the Clinton Administration on scandals such as FBI Filegate and Chinagate (about which both Judicial Watch is pursuing several civil lawsuits). Judicial Watch neither opposes nor endorses candidates or legislation, but it does educate the American people about public officials such as Orrin Hatch who, despite the rhetoric, have ignored their constitutional duties and allowed the Clinton Administration to get away with numerous criminal activities. Hatch has steadfastly refused to exercise his oversight responsibilities over the Reno Justice Department, about which he now so loudly complains. In fact, Hatch has refused repeatedly to call for Reno to resign, saying that he didn't want to hurt her "career."

"The Clinton scandals that Hatch talks about in his political infomercial occurred on his watch. It is Orrin Hatch that has allowed Janet Reno to evade the law and obstruct investigations. It is Orrin Hatch that allowed Senate investigations into Filegate and Chinagate to lapse. And it is Orrin Hatch that Judicial Watch believes is being coerced into inaction by the Reno Justice Department with his involvement in the BCCI scandal," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch is pursuing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning Hatch's involvement in the BCCI scandal.

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