Printed from
Jan 21, 2000
Contact: Press Office



German Government Pursues Campaign Finance Corruption Where American Government Covered Up

(Washington, D.C.) The lunchtime meals between former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and President Bill Clinton at Filomena's in Georgetown are legendary � showing that the two had "gastronomical" culinary interests in common. However, now we have learned that the two have other, more troubling aspects in common; a propensity to launder campaign finance cash for their benefit and the benefit of their respective political parties.

To the credit of the German government, which is not sweeping this massive campaign finance scandal under the carpet, as has occurred with the U.S. government, it appears that former Chancellor Kohl and his Party are in deep jeopardy � civilly and criminally.

"We in the United States delude ourselves into thinking that our legal system is the best in the world. However, we are now learning that perhaps we have fallen behind countries such as Germany, who want to clean up its massive corruption in government. Because of the decline of the ethics in government, and the need to clean up this corruption, I founded Judicial Watch in 1994 � to serve as a substitute for our lackadaisical and, in some instances corrupt, government law enforcement authorities," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

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