Printed from
Mar 22, 2000
Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch Applauds the NRA

Wayne LaPierre and Charlton Heston Saluted for Defense of Second Amendment Rights

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch today salutes the leadership of the National Rifle Association for defending the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and for supporting the enforcement of existing gun laws.

"NRA President Charlton Heston and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre deserve a great deal of credit for bringing common sense to the debate of violence in America," said Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. "Guns don't kill people...people kill people. The Clinton-Gore Justice Department's failure to enforce the existing gun laws on the books, many of which prevent convicted felons from possessing firearms or ammunition, has created a surge of violence committed with firearms. These are the individuals who pose the most serious threat to society, not law abiding citizens. Unfortunately, Wayne LaPierre's commentary that President Clinton and Vice President Gore tolerate a certain number of gun deaths to further their political agenda is correct. Many liberals also agree. Just look at the bombing of the Sudan and Kosovo, where many innocent victims lost their lives so the Clinton-Gore Administration could �wag the dog' during the impeachment proceedings last year," added Klayman.

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