Printed from
Apr 4, 2000
Contact: Press Office



(Washington, D.C.) Several months ago, Judicial Watch served Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on Attorney General Janet Reno and her politicized Justice Department to determine whether or not politics have played a role in the Clinton-Gore Administration's support for Castro, as opposed to allowing young Elian Gonzalez's right to remain in the United States. In response to Judicial Watch's FOIA request, Reno typically stonewalled, and has not produced one document. As a result, this morning Judicial Watch filed suit against Janet Reno for failure to comply with the law.

On another ominous note, it is shocking that Elian Gonzalez's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, is being represented by Bill and Hillary Clinton's lawyer and law firm, Greg Craig of Williams and Connolly. It is certain that Juan Miguel Gonzales cannot afford the legal fees of Williams and Connolly, and thus it is likely that they are being paid by Castro, or someone on his behalf. Given Attorney General Reno's actions, coupled with the representation of Juan Miguel Gonzalez by Bill and Hillary Clinton's lawyer and law firm, it would appear that the Clinton-Gore Administration has cut a deal with Castro. The big question is, what did the Clinton-Gore Administration get in exchange? This is what Judicial Watch's FOIA request seeks to learn.

"With this Clinton-Gore Administration, anything is possible, whether it is the compromise of U.S. national security with the transfer of technology to the Communist Chinese through illegal export licenses paid for with campaign contributions, to the Panama Canal giveaway to Communist Chinese interests (i.e., Li Ka-Shing's Hutchison-Whampoa), to siding with Castro over Elian Gonzalez's right to freedom. The actions of this Clinton-Gore Administration, which have frequently supported Communist interests over American ones, speak for themselves," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman and President Tom Fitton.

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