Printed from
Apr 17, 2000
Contact: Press Office



(Washington, D.C.) On last Sunday's talk shows, House Republican leaders were asked whether or not they support further legal action to redress the crimes committed by President William Jefferson Clinton. In response, Henry Hyde, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stated, "The impeachment is over. My role as an adversary of the President is over," implying that he would not recommend any further action. "Fearless" Majority Leader Dick Armey stated, "I would just as soon be done with it [the Clinton scandals]."

The sentiments of Republican House leaders echoed those of Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, who on NBC's "Meet the Press," also stated they would drop any further legal action. Indeed, former President Ford boasted about the pardon he had meted out to Richard Nixon.

With the exception of Congressman Bob Barr and a few others, Republicans are truly a gutless lot who in reality could care less about the moral values of this country or the rule of law. Their conduct as an opposition party has been an absolute disgrace, with no sign that things will change in the foreseeable future. Indeed, when Judicial Watch asked George W. Bush to appear on its radio show to discuss how he would address the Clinton-Gore corruption, Bush's staff offered only to send a surrogate. Former Republican candidate John McCain, while promising each week that he would appear, never could "find the time." When Steve Forbes was asked on the Judicial Watch radio show if he would prosecute Bill and Hillary Clinton, he developed "cell phone problems." Only former Republican candidate Gary Bauer and current Presidential candidate Alan Keyes gave a straight response � saying that they would support further proceedings.

"While this conduct by former Presidents is expected (regrettably they enjoy their status as former Presidents more than they care about the rule of law, since they are in an elite group and, therefore, stick up for each other), the conduct of the Republican party shows why the American people cannot depend on their elected representatives for justice, but must pursue it themselves through groups like Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch will obtain justice, and it does not depend on the Republican Party, or any other political interest for anything. To the contrary, Judicial Watch is currently investigating several Republicans for improper ethical practices. This may help explain the Republican Party's lack of desire to do what is right," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman and President Tom Fitton.

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