Printed from
May 5, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Independent Counsel, Department of Justice "Interested" In Clinton-Gore White House Threats, Al Gore, Destroyed E-Mail

(Washington, D.C.) Betty Lambuth, a former Clinton-Gore White House contract employee who was threatened by officials there to keep potentially incriminating Clinton-Gore scandal e-mails secret from investigators, met on Wednesday, May 4, 2000 with lawyers and investigators for the Office of Independent Counsel and Clinton-Gore Justice Department Campaign Finance Task Force. Ms. Lambuth is represented by Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm which first uncovered the burgeoning e-mail scandal in the course of its $90 million class action Filegate lawsuit on behalf of those Republicans and others whose FBI files were stolen and misused by the Clinton-Gore White House. The scandal was first brought to public light by another Judicial Watch client, Sheryl Hall, formerly one other top computer specialists at the Clinton-Gore White House.

The interview, which was conducted jointly by the OIC and Clinton-Gore Justice Department, covered a wide-range of Clinton-Gore scandals. Among the topics covered by Ms. Lambuth with the investigators were:
  • the details of threats made against her and other Clinton-Gore White House contractors by Clinton-Gore White House officials Laura Crabtree Callahan and Mark Lindsay.
  • that six months-worth of the hidden Clinton-Gore White House e-mail, never searched in response to subpoenas from Judicial Watch and other investigators, was erased and likely lost forever. Ms. Lambuth noted other e-mail was deleted as well, despite the Clinton-Gore White House knowing that it was effectively destroying evidence.
  • confirmation that at least one high-level official with Vice President Gore's office knew that the Vice President's office e-mail was not being properly "records managed" and therefore not being searched in response to subpoenas.
  • the e-mail at issue, according to someone who reviewed them, was incriminating and covered all the major Clinton-Gore scandals, including Filegate, Chinagate, the sale of Clinton-Gore Commerce Department trade mission seats, Al Gore's involvement in campaign finance controversies, and the Lewinsky matter.
"We hope that law enforcement uses Ms. Lambuth's information to pursue appropriate criminal charges. In fact, because the OIC now has evidence that the e-mail related to Filegate, we also requested that they ask the three judge panel which has their Filegate report to hold off on its public release until the Independent Counsel at least has had a chance to examine all the e-mail that had been hidden," stated Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel.

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