Printed from
Jun 6, 2000
Contact: Press Office


DATE: Wednesday, June 7, 2000, TIME: Check Local Listings, NETWORK: ABC

(Washington, DC) Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel of Judicial Watch, and Donato Dalrymple, a/k/a "The Fisherman," are scheduled to appear on ABC's "Politically Incorrect" this evening. Dalrymple was invited at the personal request of host Bill Maher.

Mr. Maher has not been an advocate of Mr. Dalrymple's desire to have young Elian Gonzalez remain in the United States, and this will be a good opportunity to explain to him why, at a minimum, there are two sides of the issue.

Mr. Dalrymple recently brought a lawsuit to seek redress for the illegal and unconstitutional raid of the Miami home where Elian Gonzalez spent six months prior to being seized at gunpoint. Renowned Harvard Law Professors Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Tribe support the principles inherent in Mr. Dalrymple's lawsuit.

"Even if you believe Elian Gonzalez should be returned to his father, no one can accept the illegal methods that were used by Janet Reno to obtain this objective at gunpoint,"stated Klayman.

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