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Jul 27, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Judicial Watch Client and WorldNetDaily Columnist Denied Permission to Travel

Access to Attorneys Denied -- Columnist�s Plan to Cover Convention in Philadelphia Nixed by U.S. Probation Officers

(Washington, D.C.)Johnny Chung, the Democratic Party Campaign fund-raiser who agreed to be an undercover double agent for Campaign Finance and FBI Counterintelligence investigators as part of his plea agreement, was informed this afternoon by U.S. probation officers that he has been denied permission to leave the Los Angeles, California area. Chung planned travel to consult with Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman in bringing civil rights lawsuits against officials of the Clinton-Gore Justice Department. Chung, who now makes his living as a columnist for the on-line news site, also had plans to cover the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. U.S. Probation officers originally agreed to Chung�s travel, until he disclosed he intended to meet with Judicial Watch to discuss the lawsuit. Despite repeated requests for documentation, the U.S. probation officers refused to disclose their reasons for denying Chung�s travel request.

Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman stated, "U.S. Probation officers allowed Charlie Trie to travel to Taiwan, where he then was reportedly arrested for extortion. They won�t allow Mr. Chung, who has cooperated by telling the truth about Hillary and Bill Clinton�s and the DNC�s Chinagate crimes, the ability to consult with his attorneys or earn an honest living in his own country. His civil rights have been violated again, and this is pure retaliation."

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