Printed from
Aug 22, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Refuses To Talk About Clinton-Gore Scandals

The Big Question Is Why? Have Republicans And Democrats Cut A Deal To Not Air Dirty Laundry?

Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that prosecutes government corruption, is non-partisan and takes no position in the current presidential election. However, it does make observations.

The recent slide in the polls by George W. Bush is likely the result of his lack of conviction on the Clinton-Gore scandals and their effect on the restoration government ethics. In an August 7, 2000, New York Times article entitled "Exegesis of Acceptance," William Saffire observed:

The Yale graduate and child of privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hard-scrabble pose to assert that his "background my lack the polish of Washington." And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy, he disassociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore scandals, including illegal fund-raising: "I have no stake in the bitter arguments of the last few years." Republicans on the unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he preferred "civility and respect."

The American people do not react well to politicians who try to play both sides of the street in such an obvious fashion. It shows a lack of conviction and the polls demonstrate that George W. . Bush and the Republicans are paying the price for not standing up for the rule of law and a return to ethics and morality in America,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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