For Immediate Release
Nov 17, 2001
Contact: Press Office



(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, was astonished to learn today that President Bush intends to name the Justice Department after the late Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

“The ethical and legal standards of the Bush administration will sink low if the President carries through with his plan of naming the nation’s top law enforcement agency after someone who spent his tenure in the Justice Department trampling on the civil rights of all Americans. It is widely known that Kennedy urged then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to misuse FBI files to blackmail members of Congress to “overlook” his brother, President John F. Kennedy’s, affair with an East German spy. With the possible exception of John Mitchell and Janet Reno, I cannot think of a worse choice,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman.

The Justice Department’s own mission statement says “the Department represents the citizens of the United States in enforcing the law in the public interest” and, yet, Kennedy is perhaps remembered most for three things, the ‘Get Hoffa’ campaign, which ran roughshod over all legal procedures in a personal vendetta against one man, the wiretapping of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., along with the aforementioned silencing of a congressional investigation into President John Kennedy’s affair with alleged East German spy Ellen Romisch.

Yankee legend Joe DiMaggio reportedly refused to shake Kennedy’s hand at Marilyn Monroe’s funeral because of his belief that he and his brother had something to do with her untimely death. Klayman opined, “Joltin’ Joe was right then and George W. Bush is wrong now. As for reports today in The Washington Post that George W. Bush has become a close friend of Senator Ted Kennedy- a politician who many believed murdered Mary Jo Kopeche and was instrumental in convincing Bush to name the Justice Department after his brother Robert…the President should learn to choose better people to be associated with,” Klayman added.

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