For Immediate Release
Jan 4, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Filegate and Other Illegal Tactics Cannot Be Permitted, Even Against A New Administration Which Itself Has Little Interest in Cleaning Up and Prosecuting Government Corruption

Jesse Jackson And Ultra Leftist Groups Threaten to Destroy Ashcroft, Chavez and Others With Charges of Racism and Other Demagogic Techniques

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, Inc., the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, will act on behalf of the public interest, concerning those cabinet nominees of the new Bush Administration, such as Senator Ashcroft, Linda Chavez and others, who have become targets of the ultra left wing groups which have vowed to destroy them with charges such as racism. Judicial Watch uncovered and sparked the Chinagate and E-Mail scandals, among many others, during the Clinton-Gore Administration. During the last eight years, Judicial Watch has brought lawsuits for violation of privacy rights, libel, slander and other legal causes of action against government officials and their surrogates, who have misused government files, including those from the FBI, to destroy their opponents. Libel and slander suits have also been pursued for defamation. Many of the laws which apply carry stiff civil and criminal penalties.

Judicial Watch has been critical of Governor George W. Bush and his new Administration when warranted. For instance, during the presidential campaign the President-elect refused to discuss ethics issues, other than making general statements that �his election� to the Presidency would solve all problems. In the last few weeks, he has made some excellent cabinet picks, but also nominated his chief fundraiser to serve as Secretary of Commerce -- a post that should be free of �money politics,� particularly given the recent experience of the Clinton-Gore Administration. Ironically, and regrettably, the current Commerce Secretary of the Clinton-Gore Administration, Norman Mineta, who is enmeshed in the ongoing Chinagate scandal and who has had dubious contacts with suspected spy Wen Ho Lee (see recent postings), was nominated just this week to be Secretary of Transportation by President-Elect Bush. This apparent insensitivity to government ethics and corruption issues will not be tolerated by Judicial Watch. However, neither will illegal smear tactics by leftist political operatives and others against conservatives and other persons who have done nothing wrong.

�Judicial Watch is fiercely non-partisan, but it will not countenance illegal methods to smear and destroy conservatives with techniques reminiscent of Karl Marx. It therefore will help those who, during the nomination process, are branded as racists by Jesse Jackson and other ultra leftist revolutionaries,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman. �This is not Russia in 1917. These latter-day �Bolsheviks� must be stopped,� added Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

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