For Immediate Release
Feb 14, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Becomes Advocate for Former President and First Lady

�Mr. Clinton does not have many friends . . . , unless you count President Bush, who said yesterday it was �time to move on.��

New York Times Editorial Page
�Mr. Clinton�s Next Move,� 2/14/01, Page A-30

(Washington, DC) On the eve of Valentine�s Day, President George W. Bush, in his latest of a series of statements dating back to the beginning of his political campaign for The White House, �kissed off� any notion that his administration would pursue justice for the eight years of crimes committed against the American people and their Constitution by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Recently, with the illegal vandalism and evidence of destruction, gifts and pardons during the final days of the Clinton Presidency, even the liberal media � which previously �covered up� and ran interference for the Clintons � has condemned the blatant criminality of their reign. The straw which �broke the camel�s back� was the obvious bribes � taken in the form of personal gifts and political contributions � paid by Marc Rich, through his ex-wife, in exchange for Bill Clinton�s pardon.

In response to mounting calls for a Justice Department criminal inquiry, President Bush, consistent with his earlier dismissals of the need for justice, stated:
    �My attitude is, all this business about the transition, it�s time to move on. It�s time to stay looking forward, and that�s what I am going to do.�
�If �moving on� means that Presidents and former Presidents are above the law, and that only material wealth and prosperity are important in American life, we want no part of it. Judeo-Christian ethics, and a respect for the teachings of the Ten Commandments and the Lord�s emphasis on morality, is what really counts. Judicial Watch will not shrink from its mission to bring corrupt politicians, government officials and lawyers like Bill and Hillary Clinton before the bar of justice � as wholesale bribery and a trashing of our Constitution cannot be permitted. The moneychangers, prostitutes and criminals must not tarnish and destroy the great �temple of America.� President Bush�s attitude and indifference, if it takes hold on the country, will further this,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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