For Immediate Release
Apr 3, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Judicial Watch Puts Vernon Jordan On Its “Ten Most Wanted List”

(Washington, DC) Today, it was reported that the venerable NAACP was awarding Vernon Jordan – the Washington, D.C. insider and Clinton friend who bribed or attempted to bribe Monica Lewinsky and Webster Hubbell during the Clinton scandals – its highest award for public service.

While Judicial Watch has respect for the NAACP’s role in defending against civil rights violations and abuses, in recent years it has regrettably lost sight of its objectives. Now, with the award to Jordan, it has totally lost its way and is spinning wildly out of control. (Jordan recently attended an event at Katherine Graham’s house in honor of President George W. Bush. Bush was in attendance and “kibitzed” with Jordan.)

“Vernon Jordan is one of the worst examples when it comes to a lack of ethics and respect for the law among the Washington, D.C. elite. That he escaped prosecution during the Clinton years is more of a testament to the ‘Washington Establishment’ scratching its own back, than his innocence. He belongs on Judicial Watch’s ‘Top Ten Most Wanted’ list, not the honor roll of the NAACP,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

“Judicial Watch once co-petitioned with the NAACP the three-judge panel overseeing the independent counsels over the insufficiently investigated death of Ron Brown. At the time, the NAACP was concerned that Brown – who himself was involved in scandal and was a material witness to the Clinton illegalities – may have been shot in the head, yet did not receive autopsy. How far afield the NAACP has come in giving an award to one of the other key masterminds of the Clinton scandals, Vernon Jordan,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

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