For Immediate Release
May 21, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Subject to Judicial Watch Lawsuit Over Illegal Elian Raid

Case in Federal Court in Miami

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, announced today that it will continue its litigation against former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. Reno recently announced that she was strongly considering running for governor of the State of Florida. Last year, Judicial Watch brought suit on behalf of the residents of Little Havana who were gassed and beaten by Janet Reno�s INS agents as they stood in their front yards simply praying for little Elian Gonzales on Easter Sunday weekend, April 22, 2000. In addition, Judicial Watch represents Donato Dalrymple, who, along with Elian Gonzales� family, had machine guns shoved into their faces in violation of their constitutional rights.

Recently, a whistleblower inside the INS in Miami, Rick Ramirez, has come forward with evidence that anti-Cuban-American prejudice was pervasive in Janet Reno�s INS and how it impacted upon the illegal raid. See, �Elian Plus One,� by Chuck Strouse, Miami New Times, April 19, 2001.

In this regard, agents not only made disparaging remarks about Cuban-Americans, but �joked� about shooting little Elian. INS supervisors also instructed agents to destroy documents concerning the illegal raid, raising obstruction of justice issues.

�Judicial Watch has no �dog in the fight� over who becomes the next Florida governor. However, it will vigorously pursue Janet Reno for her crimes not just against Cuban-Americans, but all Americans who believe that this country cannot resort to Nazi-like tactics against its own citizens. Were the Elian Gonzales case the only example of Ms. Reno�s lack of respect for the rule of law, the situation would still be bad. However, during her tenure as Attorney General, similar tactics were used at Waco and elsewhere. She must be held accountable before the bar of justice and forced to pay huge damages and other penalties for her illegal acts,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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