For Immediate Release
May 24, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Sheryl Hall Alerted Public and Courts to Hidden Clinton-Gore White House E-mail and Threats � White House Career Staff Colleagues Say �Thank You�

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, proudly announced today that its client Sheryl Hall became the first woman elected Chair in the 65 year history of the White House Federal Credit Union. The credit union is the �bank� of former and current White House career and political staffers.

Last year, Sheryl Hall came forward, at great risk to herself, and testified in federal court that the Clinton-Gore White House had hidden millions of e-mail from courts, Congressional investigators, and independent counsels for nearly two years. Hall, who was a computer specialist at the White House for six years, testified that Clinton-Gore White House officials threatened Northrop Grumman computer contractors to keep the e-mail secret. This was confirmed by many witnesses over the course of a six month trial. The scandal is being pursued by Judicial Watch in its ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit on behalf of those Reagan and Bush staffers and others whose FBI files were taken and misused by this White House. Evidence shows that the e-mail at issue is incriminating and covers virtually all the Clinton-Gore scandals. (Hillary Clinton is a defendant in the Filegate lawsuit.) Judge Royce C. Lamberth is now considering criminal contempt and other sanctions against those responsible for the e-mail cover-up and threats.

Ms. Hall is also pursuing several legal actions against Hillary Clinton for the retaliation she suffered at her hands for refusing to work on the illegal political database known as �Big Brother� that was being created under the direct supervision of Mrs. Clinton.

�We are thrilled that Sheryl Hall�s White House colleagues have elected her to the position of trust as head of their credit union. It is a well-deserved �thank you� from her colleagues for her bravery in coming forward to protect them. She, along with the other whistleblowers who helped expose the corruption of the Clinton years, deserve medals for their heroics,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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