For Immediate Release
Jul 13, 2001
Contact: Press Office


DATE: Friday, July 13, 2001

TIME: 10:00 pm ET

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes public abuse and corruption, will “watch” with interest as its client, Peter Paul, and others detail perhaps the biggest campaign finance crime in the history of American politics on ABC’s “20/20" tonight.

Peter Paul, who now resides in Brazil, donated $2 million in “in kind” campaign contributions to finance the Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton, which netted $1.5 million for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign. ABC’s “20/20" will reveal hard evidence that Mrs. Clinton did not report these contributions as she was required to do under law to the Federal Election Commission.

In addition, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Ed Rendell (now a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania) will be implicated in the Pardongate scandal, along with other high-level Democratic Party officials.

Peter Paul has already filed a civil complaint in the Superior Court of Los Angeles against the Clintons and others to recoup his $2 million in campaign contributions. Hollywood stars such as Barbra Streisand, Cher, Brad Pitt and John Travolta will be material witnesses in the case since they have knowledge of Peter Paul’s involvement in the Hollywood Tribute for Bill Clinton. Monday, prior to Judicial Watch’s press conference at 12:00 noon ED at the National Press Club, Peter Paul will also file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

The ABC “20/20" piece has been in the works for over six weeks, and Brian Ross and his staff traveled to Brazil to interview Peter Paul, as well as conducted other interviews of actors in this scandal. ABC News was able to verify Peter Paul’s story.

“Typically, Peter Paul, as the ‘givee,’ has been indicted by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, while no action has been taken by federal authorities in New York against the Clintons. ABC’s ‘20/20' piece should change this equation, once the hard evidence that the Clintons have committed egregious criminal acts becomes known to the American people,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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