1    professional?

       2              MR. KLAYMAN:  Okay.  Insult.

       3    Certify, improper conduct.

       4              MS. SHAPIRO:  I expect you to act

       5    in a professional manner.  I give you that

       6    courtesy.  I expect the same.

       7              MR. KLAYMAN:  Certify this.

       8              THE WITNESS:  Could you please

       9    restate your question?

      10              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      11         Q    Did you discuss the deposition in

      12    this deposition in your four hour meeting

      13    with Ms. Paxton, correct?

      14              MS. SHAPIRO:  And I have instructed

      15    her not to answer the question, because it is

      16    subject to attorney-client privilege.  She's

      17    not to disclose the substance of her

      18    conversation between her and her counsel.

      19              MR. KLAYMAN:  Certify this.

      20              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      21         Q    Tell me, just in narrative fashion,

      22    whether from the point that you became aware


       1    of this press release up to today, you're

       2    aware of any conversation that Mr. Begala had

       3    with anybody concerning Judicial Watch's

       4    lawsuit that you're here on today?

       5              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

       6              THE WITNESS:  I'm not aware of him

       7    having any conversation regarding Judicial

       8    Watch's lawsuit.

       9              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      10         Q    Are you aware of him having any

      11    conversation with regard to George

      12    Stephanopoulos's statements on ABC "This

      13    Week" on February 8, dealing with Ellen

      14    Roemech.  Are you aware of that?

      15              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.  Lack of

      16    foundation.

      17              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      18         Q    You can respond.

      19         A    I mean, he may have talked about

      20    it, but he talks a lot about what George says

      21    on Sunday morning.

      22              MR. KLAYMAN:  I'll show you what


       1    I'll ask the court reporter to mark as

       2    Exhibit 2.

       3                   (Parker Deposition Exhibit No. 2

       4                   was marked for identification.)

       5              MR. KLAYMAN:  This is a transcript

       6    of Mr. Stephanopoulos' appearance on

       7    February 8, 1998, on This Week with Sam

       8    Donaldson and Cokie Roberts.

       9              THE WITNESS:  Thank you.

      10              MR. KLAYMAN:  Take an opportunity

      11    and review this, particularly pages 1, 2 and

      12    3, 2 and 3 in particular.

      13              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      14         Q    Did you watch ABC's This Week with

      15    Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts on February

      16    8th where George Stephanopoulos made the

      17    references contained on pages 2 and 3?

      18         A    I don't believe I watched it when

      19    it first aired.

      20         Q    Did you watch it after that?

      21         A    I've seen so many clips of George

      22    on TV I don't remember exactly what I've seen


       1    and what I haven't seen.

       2         Q    Do you sometimes play back George's

       3    appearances in the office?

       4         A    We usually don't play them back.

       5    We get the transcripts, but I've never

       6    ordered This Week with ABC to be played back.

       7         Q    Do you sometimes get video?

       8         A    On rare occasion, we ask to have

       9    news programs played back, or on even rare

      10    occasion, we ask for the videotapes.

      11         Q    I take it for this appearance,

      12    someone asked for the videotape of George's

      13    appearance?

      14         A    Not -- I do not know of that.

      15         Q    Did someone ask for the transcript?

      16         A    We automatically get the

      17    transcripts.

      18         Q    How does that happen?

      19         A    There's a person who works -- I

      20    don't know exactly in which office he works,

      21    but he's kind of in charge of getting -- he's

      22    in -- he works on the clips, and he's kind of


       1    in charge of getting transcripts of news

       2    shows.  And through him, we get it by E-mail.

       3         Q    And who is that person?

       4         A    His full name is Dagoberta Vera,

       5    but he goes by Dag.  I can't verify the exact

       6    spelling of his name.

       7         Q    Where does he work?

       8         A    I said I don't know exactly which

       9    department he's in.

      10         Q    He works for Sid Blumenthal?

      11              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.  She

      12    answered the question.  She doesn't know.

      13              MR. KLAYMAN:  Certify that.  That's

      14    inappropriate. She said she doesn't know

      15    exactly the department, yet you shut the door

      16    with her with the way you give her a speaking

      17    objection.  Certify it.  Improper conduct.

      18              THE WITNESS:  I don't know who he

      19    -- I don't know what the line of authority is

      20    in his world.  I just don't.

      21              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      22         Q    Where do you think he works?


       1         A    Why?

       2         Q    Because I get the ask the

       3    questions.

       4         A    Okay.  I'm happy to make a guess

       5    for you.  My guess is that he's perhaps in

       6    communications, but I don't know that for

       7    sure.

       8         Q    Do you know where his office is?

       9         A    Yes.

      10         Q    Where is that?

      11         A    He's in the Old Executive Office

      12    Building on the first floor.

      13         Q    And what's the office number?

      14         A    I don't know.

      15         Q    And it's in the Communications

      16    Department, correct?

      17              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

      18              THE WITNESS:  I am not aware.

      19              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      20         Q    Well, whom is his office located

      21    near?

      22         A    That's not an indicator, sir.


       1         Q    Who is his office located near?

       2         A    He's by Cabinet Affairs.  He's by

       3    Communications.

       4         Q    Near Sid Blumenthal?

       5         A    No, he's not.

       6         Q    Who is he near?

       7              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.  Asked and

       8    answered.

       9              THE WITNESS:  He is by -- he's by

      10    Cabinet Affairs.  He's by some communications

      11    people.  I don't know -- I don't -- I'm not

      12    aware of who sits in every office.

      13              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      14         Q    Okay.  Why was this -- I take it

      15    this transcript came in the ordinary course

      16    of what you guys do?

      17         A    Uh-huh.

      18         Q    Did someone sit down and review it

      19    at that time?

      20         A    I am not aware.

      21         Q    Did you see Mr. Begala reviewing

      22    it?


       1         A    I can't be certain.

       2         Q    Well, do you think you saw him

       3    reviewing it?

       4         A    I've seen him review several

       5    transcripts, and when he's reviewing it on

       6    the computer, from where I sit, I can't tell

       7    what he's reviewing.

       8         Q    You heard people discuss this

       9    transcript, didn't you, since in the last few

      10    months at the White House?  You heard people

      11    discuss George Stephanopoulos's remarks about

      12    an Ellen Roemech strategy, correct?  I remind

      13    you you're under oath.

      14              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

      15              THE WITNESS:  I know I'm under

      16    oath, sir.  And especially because I'm under

      17    oath, I don't know specifically if anyone

      18    talked about that particular comment.  People

      19    talk about what George says on TV.

      20              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      21         Q    Have you had an opportunity to

      22    review this comment?


       1         A    Yes, I have, sir.

       2         Q    Did you review it before today?

       3         A    Yes, I have.

       4         Q    Did you review it in the presence

       5    of counsel?

       6              MS. SHAPIRO:  You can answer that.

       7              THE WITNESS:  I mean, yes.

       8              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       9         Q    You're aware of what George said

      10    was, "I agree with that, and there is a

      11    different long-term strategy which I think

      12    would be far more explosive.  White House

      13    allies are already starting to whisper about

      14    what I'll call the Ellen Roemech strategy.

      15    She was a girlfriend of John F. Kennedy, who

      16    also happened to be an East German spy.  And

      17    Robert Kennedy was charged with getting her

      18    out of the country and also getting John

      19    Edgar Hoover to go to Congress and say, don't

      20    you investigate this, because if you do,

      21    we're going to open up everybody's closets.

      22    And I think in the long run, they have a


       1    deterrent strategy on getting a lot of..."

       2              You understand that to mean that J.

       3    Edgar Hoover looked into Ellen Roemech's

       4    affairs with members of Congress and John F.

       5    Kennedy; don't you?

       6         A    I don't understand that to mean

       7    that.

       8         Q    You understand that this is

       9    referring to the use of FBI files by J. Edgar

      10    Hoover?

      11              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

      12    Relevancy.

      13              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      14         Q    You can respond?

      15         A    I don't -- I don't think that --

      16    you can necessarily come to that -- that only

      17    -- I don't think that's the only conclusion

      18    one can come to from reading that statement.

      19         Q    What a the other conclusion?

      20         A    I think there's several other

      21    conclusions.

      22         Q    What other conclusions?


       1         A    I think it's odd that you're asking

       2    me to comment on what is George's intent.

       3         Q    But I'm asking you to comment.  And

       4    what other conclusions have you reached about

       5    that statement?

       6         A    Well, when I first read it -- I

       7    mean, if you want to -- if you want to say

       8    bad things about person, you don't have to go

       9    to -- you can go to other sources other than

      10    someone's confidential files to find out bad

      11    thing about a person, so it never even

      12    occurred of me to think of the FBI files.

      13         Q    Are there other explanations?

      14         A    I'm sure there are, but that's the

      15    one that I primarily have in my hold.

      16         Q    What is the secondary explanation

      17    of that?

      18         A    I don't have a secondary

      19    explanation.  I'd have to come up with one

      20    now.  I'm not very familiar with the context

      21    and the history of his comment.  I hadn't

      22    really given it too much thought until all of


       1    this.

       2         Q    What's all of this?  What do you

       3    mean all of this?

       4         A    Until I was subpoenaed and called

       5    at deposition.

       6         Q    But you have heard people around

       7    the White House talk about this particular

       8    comment that George made; have you not?

       9              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

      10              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      11         Q    You can respond?

      12         A    I don't know.

      13         Q    You're saying you haven't heard

      14    Paul Begala make any reference to this

      15    comment by George?

      16         A    I mean, he may have.

      17         Q    And what leads you to believe he

      18    may have?

      19         A    The problem is, I don't -- I don't

      20    sit and listen to Paul's conversations.  I

      21    get impressions.  I hear the occasional word.

      22    I don't have coherent narratives, and so it's


       1    very difficult to answer your question in the

       2    narrative fashion that you'd like me to do

       3    it.

       4         Q    I'll take it in any fashion.

       5         A    Okay.  I mean, he may have -- he

       6    may have said the name.  He may have said

       7    George said this, but I don't remember

       8    exactly what he said.  I don't remember when

       9    he said it, and the problem is, I also, not

      10    only do I have Paul's voice, I also have the

      11    TV, and so often, when I think about the

      12    past, I think about what I'm hearing on TV, I

      13    think about maybe I heard Paul say.  So I

      14    can't sit here and say categorically that I

      15    heard Paul say XYZ about this, because I

      16    don't have that for a solid memory.

      17         Q    There is a TV in the office.

      18         A    Yes, there is.

      19         Q    Is there more than one?

      20         A    One.

      21         Q    And is that on all day long?

      22         A    Usually.


       1         Q    A remote control so you can flip

       2    through it?

       3         A    Uh-huh.

       4         Q    You're flipping through it to see

       5    if there's anything discussed about the White

       6    House?  Is that your job?

       7         A    Primarily it's on CNN.  If it gets

       8    flipped, if I'm flipping it, it's because I

       9    don't want to watch CNN, and I want to watch

      10    something non-news related, or if he flips

      11    it, I don't know what his motivations for

      12    flipping it.

      13         Q    Now you have heard people call in

      14    with telephone discussions with Paul about

      15    this particular statement by George; haven't

      16    you?

      17         A    Could you repeat that?

      18              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

      19              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      20         Q    You are aware that people called

      21    Mr. Begala to discuss this statement of

      22    Mr. Stephanopoulos?


       1         A    No, I'm not.

       2         Q    You're aware that Mr. Begala has

       3    called others outside of the White House or

       4    inside the White House to discuss this

       5    statement by George Stephanopoulos?

       6              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

       7              THE WITNESS:  I'm not aware.

       8              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       9         Q    I have never asked and answered

      10    that, and that is another way to signal the

      11    witness.  Certify it.

      12              MS. SHAPIRO:  The record will speak

      13    for itself.

      14              MR. KLAYMAN:  Improper conduct.

      15    It's the way to tell it; she's already

      16    answered it.

      17              MS. SHAPIRO:  The transcript will

      18    say that she's already answered it.

      19              MR. KLAYMAN:  It's wholly

      20    inappropriate, Ms. Shapiro.

      21              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      22         Q    Have you heard George's statement


       1    about Ellen Roemech, or even just a general

       2    statement that White House allies are

       3    whispering about a strategy against persons?

       4    Have you heard that discussed anywhere?

       5    Inside the White House, outside, by anybody,

       6    at any time?

       7         A    Not to it specifically.  I have

       8    vague memories of people discounting what

       9    George says or disagreeing with what George

      10    says.

      11         Q    Who are those people?

      12         A    Paul.

      13         Q    And anyone else?

      14         A    It's pretty surreal, because I

      15    can't distinguish necessarily between if I've

      16    heard someone in person say something, or if

      17    I've seen them on TV in an interview saying

      18    something, or if I read of something that

      19    they have said.  But I have heard Paul have

      20    issues with what George has said on

      21    television.

      22         Q    And with regard to this particular


       1    comment?

       2         A    I don't know if it's in regard to

       3    that particular comment.

       4         Q    Now if true, this comment would be

       5    pretty significant, wouldn't it, based on

       6    your understanding of what it meant under any

       7    scenario?

       8              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.  Lack of

       9    foundation.

      10              THE WITNESS:  Actually, I told you.

      11              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      12         Q    You can respond.

      13         A    Well, I'll tell you again what I

      14    first thought of when I read that comment.

      15    It never occurred to me that anyone would be

      16    looking in FBI files.

      17         Q    When did you first hear this

      18    comment?

      19         A    Around when it was made.

      20         Q    And who brought it to your

      21    attention?

      22         A    I saw it on television, I believe.


       1    I either saw it on television, or I read it

       2    in the paper.

       3         Q    Where were you at the time?

       4         A    I mean, I was in Washington.  I

       5    don't know if I was in the office or at home.

       6         Q    You've gone over to Paul Begala's

       7    house; haven't you?

       8         A    No, I have not.

       9         Q    You've had gone out to lunch with

      10    him from time to time?

      11         A    We've had lunch in the mess once.

      12         Q    Have you gone out to dinner with

      13    Paul or anybody in his family?

      14         A    I've gone out to dinner with Paul

      15    once.

      16         Q    Recently?

      17         A    Before I came on as his assistant.

      18         Q    When was that?

      19         A    It was either in August or

      20    September.

      21         Q    Was anyone else present?

      22         A    No.


       1              MR. KLAYMAN:  We can take lunch.

       2              MS. SHAPIRO:  The witness doesn't

       3    want to take lunch.

       4              MR. KLAYMAN:  I want to take lunch.

       5              MS. SHAPIRO:  How long do you need?

       6              MR. KLAYMAN:  Half hour.  We'll

       7    reconvene at 1:20.

       8              THE WITNESS:  Okay.  That's fine.

       9              THE VIDEO SPECIALIST:  We're going

      10    off video record at 12:49.

      11                   (Whereupon, at 12:49 p.m., a

      12                   luncheon recess was taken.)












       1         A F T E R N O O N    S E S S I O N

       2                                             (1:25 p.m.)

       3    Whereupon,

       4                ELEANOR STACY PARKER

       5    was recalled as a witness and, having been

       6    previously duly sworn, was examined and

       7    testified further as follows:


       9              CONTINUED

      10              THE VIDEO SPECIALIST:  We're back

      11    on video record at 1:25 p.m.

      12              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      13         Q    Ms. Parker, have you ever met the

      14    President of the United States?

      15         A    Yes, I have.

      16         Q    When did you first meet him?

      17         A    When I attended a radio address in

      18    1993.

      19         Q    Was anybody with you at the time of

      20    that radio address besides the President?

      21         A    There were the other attendees of

      22    the radio address.


       1         Q    Who was that?

       2         A    And some staff people, I think.

       3         Q    Who was there?

       4         A    I don't know -- I didn't know

       5    anybody else, who was in there, and there may

       6    have been staff people in there, but I don't

       7    remember who else was in there.

       8         Q    Was Charlie Chung in there?

       9         A    To the best of my knowledge, no.

      10         Q    Did you see anybody who looked Far

      11    Eastern?

      12              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

      13              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      14         Q    You can respond.

      15         A    That's an awful question, but no, I

      16    don't remember anyone who looked Far Eastern

      17    in there.

      18         Q    Okay.  When was the next time you

      19    met the President?

      20         A    I don't remember.  There were

      21    occasional times that he would stop in, and I

      22    may have exchanged a pleasantry or two, but I


       1    don't remember when was the next time.

       2              MR. KLAYMAN:  Hold on one second.

       3    We'll repeat that.  Could you repeat the

       4    question?

       5                   (The reporter read the record as

       6                   requested.)

       7              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       8         Q    Has he come by in the last

       9    3 months?

      10         A    Define what you mean by come by.

      11         Q    Drop by the office.

      12         A    No, he has not.

      13         Q    Have you talked to him by phone?

      14         A    No, I have not.

      15         Q    Has he called Mr. Begala when

      16    you've picked the phone up?

      17         A    No, he has not.

      18         Q    Have you attended any White House

      19    functions where the President was there as

      20    well?

      21         A    Yes, I have.

      22         Q    What were those?


       1         A    I remember a birthday party that

       2    was thrown for him by the staff.  I believe

       3    it was in the summer of '93.  That I

       4    attended.  It was on the south lawn.

       5              I went to a holiday party last

       6    December where I -- where I went through the

       7    receiving line and exchanged words.  Those

       8    are the only functions.

       9         Q    Have you ever been in the

      10    President's presence when issues with regard

      11    to files or Ellen Roemech or George

      12    Stephanopoulos or Paul Begala were discussed?

      13    Any of those issues or names?

      14              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.  Compound

      15    question.

      16              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      17         Q    Any of those issues or names?

      18         A    Are you connecting -- did all those

      19    four names have to come up in one

      20    conversation?

      21         Q    No.  No.

      22         A    I remember having a couple of


       1    conversations where the President will come

       2    in and be like, where's George, and I would

       3    try to answer.  I remember when I first met

       4    him, I told him that I did George's

       5    correspondence.  Those the only times I

       6    remember talking about either of those four

       7    names or people.

       8         Q    Have you ever met with the

       9    President one on one, you and the President?

      10         A    When do you mean by that?

      11         Q    Where nobody else was present?

      12         A    I mean I've never scheduled a

      13    meeting with the President.  I mean, there

      14    have been times when he's dropped in to --

      15    when I worked in George's office, he would

      16    occasionally walk through looking for George.

      17    But I don't know what he was doing, but I

      18    assume he was looking for George, and those

      19    are the only times where I've been in that

      20    room -- that in that room, he and I were

      21    alone.

      22         Q    Did you ever have a discussion


       1    about anything related to George

       2    Stephanopoulos or Paul Begala or FBI files or

       3    anybody like that, Ellen Roemech?

       4              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

       5              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       6         Q    You can respond.

       7         A    I mean, you did ask me that.

       8         Q    Yes, well, I'll trying to see if

       9    that may jog your memory?

      10         A    I mean, I told you when he'd come

      11    through, he'd ask where George was.

      12              MR. KLAYMAN:  Take a break.  I'll

      13    be right back.

      14              THE VIDEO SPECIALIST:  We're going

      15    off video record at 1:31.

      16                   (Recess)

      17              THE VIDEO SPECIALIST:  We're back

      18    on video record at 1:32.

      19              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      20         Q    Have you ever had contact with

      21    anybody from the White House office of

      22    security.


       1         A    I don't quite understand your

       2    question.  I understand there was an office

       3    of personnel security I think that existed.

       4    And now I know there is an EOP office of

       5    security.  So I need to know better what

       6    you're referring to.

       7         Q    Well, how do you know that there is

       8    a White House office of personnel security?

       9         A    I understand that there was.

      10         Q    How did you come to that

      11    understanding?

      12         A    Well, I have been in the White

      13    House on around off for the last 3 years, and

      14    I have managed to cull some information about

      15    the different offices. I mean, be able to

      16    understand that they exist.  And so somehow

      17    along the way, I understood that this office

      18    existed.

      19         Q    Did you have contact with that

      20    office?

      21         A    Yes, I did.

      22         Q    Under what circumstances?


       1         A    When I first turned in my papers,

       2    my -- I forget -- SF-86 for my first

       3    background check.  I believe I dropped them

       4    off there.

       5              There was also one time when I was

       6    a volunteer.  There was a problem in our

       7    office that one of the other volunteers had a

       8    key to an office in the Old Executive Office

       9    Building, and so Craig Livingston wanted to

      10    talk to us about it, and so I remember

      11    meeting with Mr. Livingston to discuss why

      12    people who are not staff should not have

      13    keys.

      14         Q    Okay.  Is this a different set of

      15    circumstances when you first dropped

      16    something off and when you had the meetings

      17    with Mr. Livingston?

      18         A    Yes, they are two different.

      19         Q    What did you drop off?

      20              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answer.

      21              MR. KLAYMAN:  I'm sorry; I may have

      22    not heard.


       1              THE WITNESS:  I believe it's called

       2    a SF-86, but I believe it's the paperwork I

       3    filled out to begin my backup check.

       4              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       5         Q    When you dropped it off, did you

       6    give it to anybody?

       7         A    I don't remember.

       8         Q    Did you give it to Craig

       9    Livingston?

      10         A    I really doubt I gave it to him.

      11         Q    Was it a man?

      12         A    I mean, I have as vague memory of

      13    people being in the office and me dropping it

      14    off.  I don't remember if I actually manned

      15    it to someone, or if I put it in someone's

      16    inbox.

      17         Q    Do you know what Mr. Livingston

      18    looks like?

      19         A    Yes, I do.

      20         Q    Heavy set fellow?

      21         A    I'm aware of Mr. Livingston looks

      22    like.


       1         Q    Okay.  Now when you were in that

       2    office, did you see anything, anything laying

       3    around?  What year was that?

       4         A    '93.

       5         Q    Did you see boxes laying around?

       6         A    I don't remember surveying the

       7    office.

       8         Q    Did you see anything that looked

       9    like files laying around?

      10         A    No, I don't.  I don't remember what

      11    was in the office, other than desks and

      12    people.

      13         Q    Was the office impeccably neat?

      14    Was it kind of disheveled?  I mean, what did

      15    it look like, generally speaking?  A lot of

      16    junk laying around?  Paper?

      17         A     I don't remember what it like

      18    that.  Nothing stood out.  It didn't stand

      19    out as a poorly kept office or as an

      20    impeccably kept office.  It was just an

      21    office I was dropping my forms off to.

      22         Q    Was there anyone down that worked


       1    Mr. Livingston or whoever was running it at

       2    the time, like a secretary or assistant whose

       3    name you remember?

       4         A    As I said before, I remember people

       5    in the office.  I don't remember who I gave

       6    it to.  I don't know what they did.  I don't

       7    know who they were.  But I remember there

       8    being people in the office.

       9         Q    The second time that you went back,

      10    when was that approximately?  When you met

      11    Mr. Livingston?

      12         A    This -- both occurrences happened

      13    in '93, to the best of my memory.

      14         Q    And I apologize, but what was the

      15    second time you went back?  When was that?

      16         A    The first time was I talked about

      17    the keys.  The second time was to drop off my

      18    paperwork.

      19         Q    And Mr. Livingston, where did you

      20    find him in that office when you dropped it

      21    off?

      22         A    I don't remember -- when I dropped


       1    off my paperwork, I don't remember seeing him

       2    in the office.

       3         Q    I thought you told me you met with

       4    him then?

       5         A    That was the key issue.

       6         Q    That was issue one?

       7         A    That was issue one.

       8         Q    So you gave the keys to

       9    Mr. Livingston?

      10         A    I don't remember if there was a

      11    transfer of keys.  I just remember that he

      12    talked to us about the situation.

      13         Q    Okay.  The second time that you

      14    went, you didn't see Livingston?

      15         A    I have a memory of seeing him in

      16    the office.

      17         Q    Did you see anyone else in the

      18    office?

      19         A    I said I saw people in the office.

      20              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

      21              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      22         Q    Who else did you see?


       1              MS. SHAPIRO:  Asked and answered.

       2              MR. KLAYMAN:  You can respond.

       3              THE WITNESS:  I told you I saw

       4    people in the office.  I don't know who they

       5    are.  I don't know what they did, but they

       6    existed.

       7              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       8         Q    That's the only two times that you

       9    had contact with that office?

      10         A    That's the only two times I

      11    remember going in that office.

      12         Q    Did you ever talk to them by phone?

      13         A    I don't know, because it's

      14    conceivably that someone from that office

      15    might have called in to talk to someone who

      16    worked in George's office or to talk to

      17    George.  I took a lot of phone calls.  I

      18    didn't know why exactly why they were

      19    calling, so it's conceivable that I talked to

      20    somebody from that office, but nothing stands

      21    out in my mind.

      22         Q    Did George Stephanopoulos ever


       1    receive any documents from Craig Livingston

       2    or OPS?

       3         A    I'm not aware of any documents.

       4         Q    Did you ever meet Anthony Marsesa?

       5         A    No, I have not.

       6         Q    Have you ever met Bernard Nussbaum?

       7         A    I've never met Mr. Nussbaum, but

       8    he's come in and out of the office when I've

       9    been in there, but I've never -- I don't

      10    think I've exchanged pleasantries with the

      11    man.

      12         Q    Have you ever heard anymore discuss

      13    anything with regard to FBI files?

      14         A    I do not have any kind of

      15    recollection of that.

      16         Q    Was he frequently in the office

      17    when you worked for George Stephanopoulos?

      18         A    He was occasionally in the office.

      19    I don't have a memory of him being in there

      20    anymore than anybody else was.

      21         Q    Have you ever met or talked to

      22    Richard Ben-Veniste?


       1         A    Ben-Veniste.

       2         Q    Yes, however you pronounce it.

       3         A    I spoken with Mr. Ben-Veniste.

       4         Q    Have you talked to him recently?

       5         A    I -- I mean, I take the phone calls

       6    when he calls in.

       7         Q    And he's called in the last several

       8    week; has he not?

       9         A    Well, yes, he has.

      10         Q    And in fact, you were sitting there

      11    when he called, and Mr. Begala talked to him?

      12         A    On occasion, I have been in the

      13    office when they've talked.

      14         Q    Okay.  You have overheard a

      15    conversation that he had about Mr. Begala's

      16    involvement in this Judicial Watch case?

      17         A    No, I have not.  Because those

      18    conversations are privileged, I leave the

      19    room to protect that privilege.

      20         Q    Is Mr. Richard Ben-Veniste retained

      21    as counsel for Mr. Begala, to the best of

      22    your knowledge?


       1         A    I don't know their exact

       2    relationship, but I do know that -- I do know

       3    that they have a relationship.  I don't know

       4    what.

       5         Q    Is it a professional relationship

       6    or a personal relationship?

       7         A    I'm not really -- I can't really

       8    speak to that.  I don't know what the

       9    relationship that they have.

      10         Q    Has anyone ever told you to leave

      11    the room when Richard Ben-Veniste called?

      12         A    There was one time Paul asked me to

      13    leave the room.

      14         Q    When was that?

      15         A    I don't remember.

      16         Q    Recently?

      17         A    This year.

      18         Q    Within the last few weeks?

      19         A    Not necessarily within the last few

      20    weeks.  I don't remember.

      21         Q    After February 8, 1998?  Around

      22    that time?


       1         A    Sir, to answer your question, it

       2    was this year.  I don't know exactly when.

       3         Q    Why did Paul ask you to leave the

       4    room?  Did he tell you?

       5         A    He doesn't have to tell me

       6    everything.

       7         Q    I didn't ask that.  I said did he

       8    tell you why?

       9         A    I didn't ask why.  No, he did not.

      10    I'm sorry.

      11         Q    Have you ever met a Thurgood known

      12    as Goody Marshal?

      13         A    We've never actually met.

      14         Q    Have you talked to him by phone?

      15         A    Infrequently.

      16         Q    Who is Thurgood Goody Marshal?

      17         A    I know he's a senior staff member.

      18    I know he works in Cabinet Affairs.  I don't

      19    know exact -- I don't know what exactly what

      20    he does.  I'm pretty sure he works in Cabinet

      21    Affairs.  I may even be wrong on that, but I

      22    don't have very many dealings with him.


       1         Q    What dealings, if any, does Paul

       2    have with him?

       3         A    Professional dealings.

       4         Q    Do you know in what it's regard to?

       5         A    Trying to do their day jobs.

       6         Q    You're aware that Paul Begala was

       7    recently deposed in this lawsuit, correct?

       8         A    Yes, I am.

       9         Q    And did Thurgood Goody Marshall

      10    come to the office or did you overhear him

      11    say to Paul, gee, I think it's unfair you're

      12    being deposed?

      13         A    No, I did not.

      14         Q    Have you heard him say anything

      15    about this particular lawsuit?

      16         A    Yes, I have.

      17         Q    When was that?

      18         A    I don't know exactly when, but in

      19    correspondence to the time that he was made

      20    aware that he was being subpoenaed, up until,

      21    you know, after he was deposed.

      22         Q    You're talking about Paul Begala?


       1         A    That's who I am talking about.

       2         Q    And what did Paul tell you about

       3    this lawsuit?

       4              MS. SHAPIRO:  That's been asked and

       5    answered.

       6              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       7         Q    You can respond.  I now have a

       8    response.

       9              MS. SHAPIRO:  If you have a

      10    response, why are you asking the question?

      11              MR. KLAYMAN:  Please don't mess up

      12    my question.

      13              THE WITNESS:  Could you please ask

      14    the question.

      15              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      16         Q    What did you discuss?

      17         A    I mean, we didn't discuss.  I mean,

      18    he, he has a -- expressed some opinions about

      19    his particular situation, but there was never

      20    a following discussion.

      21         Q    What opinions did he express?

      22         A    He expressed frustration.  He said


       1    that he was angry, and he expressed that his

       2    wife was very angry.

       3         Q    Did he say why his wife was angry?

       4         A    He felt that -- she felt that you

       5    had defamed him.

       6         Q    Did he say how?

       7         A    Your comments on -- I believe it

       8    was MSNBC, but your television comments.

       9         Q    Were you sitting there at the time

      10    when MSNBC came on?

      11         A    Yes, I was.

      12         Q    Well, tell us about what else he

      13    told you?

      14         A    I mean, that was basically, that

      15    was basically it.

      16         Q    Have you ever discussed this case

      17    with Goody Marshal?

      18         A    No, I have not.

      19         Q    You say you were sitting there when

      20    I came on MSNBC.  Do you remember when that

      21    was?

      22         A    I have a memory of it.


       1         Q    Who else was in the office with you

       2    at the time?

       3         A    Paul.

       4         Q    And you both saw the comments at

       5    the same time?

       6         A    No, because I didn't really pay

       7    attention to too much of it, because I had

       8    other things that I was doing.

       9         Q    And did he remark, you know, here's

      10    Klayman on TV talking my speech in Miami, or

      11    something like that?

      12         A    I don't remember what he remarked.

      13         Q    Do you remember him calling MSNBC,

      14    though; don't you?

      15         A    Yes, I do.

      16         Q    And did he ask you to call, or did

      17    he call?

      18         A    He didn't ask me to call, so --

      19         Q    He called?

      20         A    He called.

      21         Q    And do you know whom he called?

      22         A    I don't know for sure, no.


       1         Q    A person by the name of Kenan

       2    Block; does that ring a bell?

       3         A    That name rings a bell.

       4         Q    And what did he say to Kenan Block?

       5         A    I don't remember exactly what he

       6    said.

       7         Q    He called Larry -- he called

       8    Mr. Klayman some names with Kenan block?

       9         A    I don't remember if he did that.

      10              MS. SHAPIRO:  I object to the

      11    relevancy of this.  I don't know if you're

      12    defending your own suit or this suit, but I

      13    don't know what the relevance is.

      14              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      15         Q    Did he have a discussion with Kenan

      16    Block where he said something to the effect,

      17    what I said about FBI files was just a joke?

      18         A    I can't -- I can't characterize

      19    what Paul said, because I don't remember what

      20    Paul said, and so I'm not -- I have heard

      21    Paul say lots of different things about lots

      22    of different things, and I, I, I can't say


       1    with any kind of accuracy, or I can't repeat

       2    with any kind of accuracy what he said.

       3         Q    Just generally, what do you

       4    remember as of today?

       5         A    No, because you're suggesting

       6    things to me and, and I don't remember.

       7         Q    Well, you have to testify.

       8              MS. SHAPIRO:  She doesn't have to

       9    testify as to things she doesn't remember.

      10    If she can't remember, she can't remember.

      11              MR. KLAYMAN:  Well, I'm not getting

      12    the impression that she can't remember.

      13    She's basically saying, unless I can say it

      14    exactly, I'm not going to give you any

      15    testimony.

      16              And what I'm telling you is you

      17    have to tell me what's in your mind as of

      18    today, what you remember as of today.

      19              THE WITNESS:  And I'm telling you

      20    that I don't remember what he said to Kenan

      21    Block, or whatever his name is.

      22              BY MR. KLAYMAN:


       1         Q    But you did discuss, you heard the

       2    word joke; didn't you?

       3         A    Not necessarily in that exchange.

       4         Q    You heard it in another exchange?

       5         A    Correct.

       6         Q    What exchange was that?

       7         A    I mean, there have been times when,

       8    when he's expressing anger, it's because he

       9    had made a joke, and, and later he knew that

      10    you understood that, and he was angry that

      11    you understood that, but yet were pursuing

      12    this.

      13         Q    When did he tell you that Larry

      14    Klayman understood that?

      15         A    I don't -- I don't exactly remember

      16    when.

      17         Q    Recently?

      18         A    Well, obviously recently.

      19         Q    And what did he say, specifically,

      20    as best you can remember it today?

      21         A    That's how I remember it.

      22         Q    And you remember when he talked to


       1    MSNBC that he asked them to say on the air

       2    that it was a joke?

       3         A    I don't remember that.

       4         Q    And you remember that MSNBC asked

       5    him if he wanted to come on, come on air at

       6    that time?  You remember him saying that;

       7    don't you?

       8         A    See, no, because -- see, my -- no,

       9    I don't remember that.  I don't.

      10         Q    You don't remember him saying MSNBC

      11    wants me to come on, but I'm not going to do

      12    it?  Something like that?

      13         A    All I remember is that we were

      14    going to Mass.  It was Ash Wednesday.  Now

      15    I'm remembering it, and that's -- and that we

      16    wanted someone else to watch the show.

      17         Q    Who did you get to watch the show?

      18         A    I -- he called Rahm's office, I

      19    think.

      20         Q    Rahm Emanuel?

      21         A    Correct.

      22         Q    And he asked Rahm To watch the


       1    show?

       2         A    No, to ask his intern.

       3         Q    Who is his intern?

       4         A    He's no longer an intern, but his

       5    name is Rajiv, and I don't know his last

       6    name.

       7         Q    How is his first name spelled?

       8         A    R-a-j-i-v.

       9         Q    And specifically, what did he say

      10    to Rajiv?

      11         A    I don't remember.

      12         Q    Watch this and give me back a video

      13    copy, or something like that?

      14         A    No, I don't remember.  I don't

      15    listen to every word Paul says.

      16         Q    Did you discuss this MSNBC

      17    appearance by me, Larry Klayman when you went

      18    with Mass with Paul, on the way to Mass?  You

      19    must have?

      20         A    I don't think so.

      21         Q    Did you discuss it after Mass?

      22         A    I think I may have said you better


       1    call Rajiv.  And that's the only thing I

       2    remembered talked about on the way home, I

       3    mean, back to work.

       4         Q    Why did you tell Paul that he

       5    better call Rajiv?

       6         A    I was just reminding him.

       7         Q    Did he ask you to remind him?

       8         A    No, but I remind him of lots of

       9    thing each day.

      10         Q    Well, why would you feel that he

      11    had to call Rajiv, if you really didn't know

      12    what was going on?

      13         A    I had a general understanding of

      14    what was going on.

      15         Q    What was the general understanding?

      16         A    I have a general understanding, now

      17    this is my opinion, okay, that I formed by

      18    myself, but my opinion was that, that you

      19    were on MSNBC, and you were stating that Paul

      20    had said things that he hadn't said or -- and

      21    I had understood that you went on TV and said

      22    that he had read FBI files, which to every --


       1    to the best of my knowledge, is totally

       2    untrue.  So that's how I understood this

       3    situation, and so I did think, personally, I

       4    thought it was important for, you know, for

       5    Paul to see what Rajiv had to say.

       6         Q    What was your basis to believe that

       7    it was untrue that Paul had read FBI files

       8    Did you ask Paul?

       9         A    Everything, everything I knew about

      10    Paul, everything I understand about Paul, and

      11    everything I've ever seen.  Every -- my

      12    whole, put it like this, I don't have one

      13    iota of anything to believe that Paul would

      14    be reading the files.

      15         Q    Did you ever ask him whether he

      16    reviewed FBI files?

      17         A    No, I have not.

      18         Q    Never was curious?  Short of asking

      19    him, have you been curious?

      20         A    I've never been curious about that.

      21         Q    And why would it be wrong to review

      22    FBI files?


       1         A    Because they're confidential.  I

       2    mean, I can go on.  I can tell you what else

       3    I think is wrong.

       4         Q    Sure, go on.  Tell me.

       5         A    Well, let's keep it at this.  It's

       6    raw data, and it's just -- you know, many

       7    things that wouldn't be admissible in court.

       8    It's just -- it's raw personal data about

       9    people, and if you don't have a -- if you

      10    don't have a authorized, legitimate reason to

      11    look at them, then not only are you not

      12    allowed to, but it's -- immoral to do it.

      13         Q    Looking at FBI files is a very

      14    serious matter, correct?

      15         A    Both legally and ethically, yes.

      16         Q    It's not a funny thing to look at

      17    FBI files; is it?

      18         A    No, I don't think anyone thinks

      19    it's a funny thing.

      20         Q    It's not something that you would

      21    make a joke about; would you?

      22         A    Obviously, Paul was making a joke.


       1         Q    No, I'm asking you.  It's not

       2    something you'd make a joke about?

       3         A    Obviously Paul was not --

       4         Q    Would you make a joke about that?

       5    Would you make a joke about that?

       6              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

       7    Hypothetical.

       8              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

       9         Q    Would you make a joke about FBI

      10    files, looking at them?

      11         A    I have repeated Paul's joke,

      12    only -- I've repeated Paul's joke.

      13         Q    When have you repeated Paul's joke?

      14         A    When I was explaining to my parents

      15    the situation.

      16         Q    How did you know Paul even made a

      17    joke?

      18         A    I didn't know about the joke until

      19    Paul was subpoenaed.  I didn't watch all the

      20    C-Span tape.

      21         Q    How did you find out about the

      22    joke?


       1         A    When he was subpoenaed.

       2         Q    Well, what happened when he was

       3    subpoenaed that caused you to learn about the

       4    joke?

       5         A    I don't remember, sir.

       6         Q    I think you do remember.  Would you

       7    please tell me?

       8              MS. SHAPIRO:  Objection.

       9    Argumentative.

      10              THE WITNESS:  I mean, I've heard

      11    Paul say several times that he made a joke.

      12    I've read it in his -- I don't remember the

      13    first time I heard it.  But it became very

      14    clear as soon as all this came up that that

      15    was, that was the reason that you had

      16    subpoenaed him.

      17              BY MR. KLAYMAN:

      18         Q    And how did you reach that

      19    conclusion?

      20         A    I didn't personally reach the

      21    conclusion.  I was -- it was something that I

      22    heard.



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