Obama Donor/DOJ Prosecutor Spent 1529.25 Hours Investigating the IRS’ Targeting of Conservative Groups — Judicial Watch released a letter from the Justice Department admitting that Democratic Party/Obama campaign donor and Justice Department attorney Barbara Bosserman spent 1,529.25 …http://jwatch.us/EE1eJ1
FBI Interviews with Cincinnati IRS Employees Reveal DC Headquarters Delayed Tea Party Applications — Judicial Watch released 105 pages of newly obtained Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) “302” documents revealing that, beginning in 2010 and lasting through the Obama reelection…http://jwatch.us/Fk6wKd
FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal — Judicial Watch released 294 pages of new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) “302” documents revealing that top Washington IRS officials, including Lois Lerner and Holly Paz, knew that the agency was specifically targeting “Tea Party” and other…http://jwatch.us/kbbAaM
DOJ Rewards Law-Breaking Sanctuary Cities, States with $342 Mil in “Grants” — The Obama administration rewards sanctuary states, counties and cities that shield violent illegal immigrants from deportation with hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and one of the biggest recipients recently…http://jwatch.us/dYpDQw
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Media Coverage
NOTORIOUS RBG —“Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton Friday questioned whether Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from any future action regarding the North Carolina voter ID case that a federal appeals court struck down because it was discriminatory. ‘Given her comments attacking Donald Trump, there’s a real question about whether Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the North Carolina voter ID case,’ Fitton said. “…http://nws.mx/2ajsDld
DEPOSITION LOOMS? — “Judicial Watch already has taken testimony from several of Clinton’s aides. But it told Sullivan at his hearing this week that the one and only person who can answer why the system was set up and continued to be used despite warnings that it violated State Department policy is Clinton….Judicial Watch lawyer Michael Bekesha explained the focus now: ‘Prior to Mrs. Clinton becoming secretary of state, she never had FOIA obligations or federal record-keeping obligations when she was a senator, so that changed. Her legal obligations changed. And the question is: When those legal obligations changed, why did she not recognize those obligations and then change her normal course of business because of these new legal obligations that applied when she became secretary of state?”…http://bit.ly/2aGEb4P