‘Most Transparent’ White House Dumps FOIA Regulations for Itself
The White House recently deleted FOIA regulations for its Office of Administration, citing a 2009 appeals court ruling in support of that change. The ruling stated that CREW, which was suing for access to White House emails from the Bush administration, could not obtain them because the office is FOIA-exempt. However, this office was subjected to FOIA regulations for 30 years. Now, according to the appeals court ruling, this office is subjected to the Presidential Records Act, which states that the White House must release its emails five years after the administration has left office.
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, also commented on this news, as quoted in the article.
“I have no doubt this move is to try to cut off any public inquiry into Barack Obama’s emails,” Fitton says. “We won’t be put off and are taking steps to find out what the White House wants to hide about the president’s emails.”