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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!





Judicial Watch Continues Fight over IRS Criminal Investigation Facts — Judicial Watch is asking a federal appellate court to overturn a lower court’s ruling allowing the Obama Justice Department to withhold records detailing the number of hours that agency attorney Barbara Bosserman expended on the…

Judicial Watch: Appeals Court Hearing on Lawsuit to Stop Congress from Participating in D.C.’s Small Business Obamacare Exchange — Judicial Watch announced a D.C. Court of Appeals hearing on a taxpayer lawsuit Judicial Watch filed against the District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange…

Crack Dealer Freed Early Under Obama Plan Murders Woman, 2 Kids — A convicted crack dealer who left prison early as part of the Obama administration’s mass release of federal inmates has been indicted by a grand jury for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and her two kids in Columbus, Ohio…

Arizona Atty. Gen. Finds Money Trail Between Middle East, Mexican Smugglers — Months after six Middle Eastern men who entered the U.S. illegally through Mexico were arrested in Arizona state authorities have uncovered an extensive money trail between the Middle East and Mexico…


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HAPPY TO HELP — Meanwhile, last month a federal judge ordered that Hillary Clinton’s aides could be questioned under oath in a separate civil lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch over alleged violations of open records laws. Anything said could be used in the FBI probe…

INTERNAL REVENUE SCANDAL — The media may yawn when two Republicans candidates for the presidency, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, complain of Obama IRS audits. But it suggests Obama’s IRS corruption never ended. As with the Clinton email scandal, Judicial Watch has a large number of active lawsuits and investigations into the Obama IRS matter. Washington politicians from both political parties want to move on, but we are on the case. In fact, we have more material in the hopper to release over the next few weeks. Watch this space for additional developments…


Tom Fitton and Alexander Marlow, editor-in-chief of the Breitbart News Network discuss, “The Seven Deadly Sins of Hillary Clinton” on the CPAC main stage. The discussion moderated Charlie Kirk, Executive Director of Turning Point USA, can be seen here:


Biden Crisis Update!

Judicial Watch Warns Oregon to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit Judicial Watch Suit Seeks Edited Transcripts of Biden Special Counsel Interviews Statement on ...

Judicial Watch Sues Justice Dept for Communications with Biden White House Regarding Edited Transcripts…

Press Releases | July 26, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice for records of communication between the ag...

Pentagon DEI Budget Surges for Military-Wide Woke Training to Root out “White Privilege”

Corruption Chronicles | July 25, 2024
The Pentagon dedicates tens of millions of dollars annually to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the armed forces and cadets...