Judicial Watch Submits Proposed Witness List, Discovery Plan to Federal Court in Clinton Email Matter — Judicial Watch filed a plan for “narrowly tailored discovery” into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email matter with a federal court. Judicial Watch’s discovery plan seeks the testimony of eight…http://jwatch.us/VoiqMM
Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’ — Judicial Watch announced that it obtained documents from the United States Department of the Army revealing that in April 2015, 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon…http://jwatch.us/3qbQAb
12 Obamacare Insurance CO-OPs Fold After Getting $1.2 Bil from Govt. — More than half of the government-funded nonprofit health insurers created by Obamacare have failed, sticking taxpayers with a $1.2 billion tab and leaving hundreds of thousands of people in more than a dozen states…http://jwatch.us/vKJZrU
As More Gitmo Prisoners Go Free Intel Report Affirms Return to Terrorism — While President Obama continues releasing terrorists from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo a new intelligence report discloses that dozens have reengaged in terrorism after leaving the compound at the Naval base in southeast…http://jwatch.us/wX8rgY
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Clinton’s testimony is required — “Substantively, for Judicial Watch to make a Hillary deposition most productive, it will want to know what others know beforehand, given the Clintonian nature of Hillary’s answers to everything. Questions will need to be precise, and leave nothing for interpretation, not even what the meaning of ‘is’ is.” http://jwatch.us/JbXmNT
HIDE & SEEK — The FOIA question is also being litigated through federal courts, where conservative group Judicial Watch just won a major victory after a judge approved the group’s request to question Clinton’s closest staffers about whether they were intentionally hiding correspondence…http://jwatch.us/BYRDVS
Hillary Clinton’s Continuing Email Scandal
In response to the continuing revelations about the separate email accounts used by Hillary Clinton and other top State Department officials to conduct official government business, Judicial Watch hosted an educational panel discussion: “Hillary Clinton’s Continuing Email Scandal.” Watch now: https://www.judicialwatch.org/live/
Panelists include Joseph E. diGenova, former U.S. Attorney, Independent Counsel and founding partner of the Washington, D.C., diGenova & Toensing, LLP; Jason Leopold, investigative reporter for Vice News; and Michael Bekesha, who has litigated dozens of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and serves as an attorney for Judicial Watch.