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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!

Judicial Watch



Top Stories

High School Rapists Entered U.S. as Unaccompanied Alien Children, Lived in Sanctuary County — “The teenage illegal immigrants charged with raping a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom of a Maryland public high school last week entered the United States under an Obama program that’s accommodated”…

JW President Tom Fitton Testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform — “Tom Fitton provided testimony on March 23 at 10:30am ET before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform during a hearing titled “Legislative Proposals for Fostering.”…

Judicial Watch to Broadcast a Special Presentation: ‘House Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz to address Government Oversight Challenges’ — “Judicial Watch announced it will host a March 30 presentation by U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)”…

Focus on Border Wall as Visa Overstays Create Illegal Immigrant Crisis — “While the Trump administration focuses on securing the southern border, most illegal immigrants enter the United States legally and stay after their visa expires, a new study reveals. That’s because, incredibly, the U.S. doesn’t”…

Judicial Watch Sues Education Department over Cover up Of Increasing Student Loan Failures — “Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the U.S. Department of Education seeking records”…


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Must Read

Not Over Yet — “The newest move comes from Judicial Watch, which has sued the federal government for not carrying out a routine assessment of the damage that may have been done to America’s security by her actions. The case against the Office of National Intelligence and the Department of State is intended to force the government to produce a report that details whether Clinton’s scandalous private email practices damaged national security.”…

Change on the horizon? — “Trump could demand federal agencies release records to the public, but that would harm the bureaucracy’s ability to retain secrets – something career government officials handling the lawsuits and FOIA requests don’t want, according to transparency experts from nonprofit watchdog groups. “On any issue … the Trump administration could really … open the window on what’s going on there on all those issues,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group (TheDCNF).”…

Devil’s Advocate — “While some conservative groups may wait years for tax-exempt status, the IRS swiftly gave approval for a Satanic cult that sponsored an “After School Satan Club,” according to records obtained by a watchdog group. Documents posted by the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch late last week show the nonprofit called Reason Alliance, based in Somerville, Mass., operates in the state of Washington as the Satanic Temple of Seattle.”…

Clinton Damage Assessment Report — “Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on March 21 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The group cites a requirement in Intelligence Community Directive 732 that says a damage assessment may be conducted if there is “an actual or suspected unauthorized disclosure or compromise of classified national intelligence that may cause damage to U.S. national security.””…


Must Watch

JW President Tom Fitton Testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform —

Tom Fitton Gives an Update on Trump Surveillance, Clinton Email Lawsuit, and the Obamacare Repeal —

Attorney Michael Bekesha: “Time to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration” —

David Bossie, Tom Fitton react to Nunes surveillance claims–

Christopher Farrell on President Trump’s claim that the Obama administration wiretapped his team. —


Biden Corruption Back in Court!

Court Orders Justice Department to Commit on Releasing Biden Audio Tapes Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department Again Over Hunter Biden Investigation Cover-Up CBP Agent Charged wit...

Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department Again Over Cover-Up of IRS Investigation of Hunter Biden

Press Releases | February 14, 2025
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records and communications...

Millions for Kamala’s Failed Root Causes of Irregular Migration Venture Flowed through USAID

Corruption Chronicles | February 14, 2025
The frenzy over President Trump’s crackdown on flagrant waste at the nation’s scandal-plagued global aid agency is finally bringing widespread attention to the outrageous programs ...