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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!





Judicial Watch Announces the Schedule for Deposition Testimony in Clinton Email Lawsuit — Judicial Watch announced that it has scheduled the
depositions of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, as well as top State Department official…

Judicial Watch Seeks Hillary Clinton Testimony — Judicial Watch announced that it has filed a proposed order for discovery with a federal court that seeks the testimony of Hillary Clinton about her use of email account(s) for official State Department business. Judicial Watch’s…

Judicial Watch: New Clinton Emails Reveal Clinton Knew about Security Risk of Private Blackberry, Avoided Use of Secure Phone — Judicial Watch today released 296 pages of new State Department documents, including a February 27, 2009, email in which the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton….

New State Department Documents Reveal Clinton Top Political Operative Pushed For Hire of Pagliano at State Department — Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained Department of State emails showing that top Clinton aide Laura Pena helped push through the political appointment of…


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JACKPOT — “Every year for more than two decades, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed scores of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents from the federal government, many in pursuit of a favorite target: Bill and Hillary Clinton. Now, with FOIA case No. F-2013-08812, they may finally have hit the political jackpot.” …

UNDER OATH — “Next week, on May 27, Judicial Watch’s lawyers will depose Clinton’s former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills. Bryan Pagliano, the information technology specialist who managed Clinton’s email system, will be deposed on June 6 and Huma Abedin, Clinton’s “body woman,” will be interviewed on June 28.” …


May 18 – Lewis A. Lukens, deputy assistant secretary of state and executive director of the State Department’s Executive Secretariat from 2008 to 2011, who emailed with Patrick Kennedy and Cheryl Mills about setting up a computer for Clinton to check her email account

May 27 – Cheryl D. Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff throughout her four years as secretary of state

June 3 – Stephen D. Mull, executive secretary of the State Department from June 2009 to October 2012, who suggested that Clinton be issued a State Department BlackBerry, which would protect her identity and would also be subject to FOIA requests

June 6 – Bryan Pagliano, State Department Schedule C employee who has been reported to have serviced and maintained the server that hosted the “” system during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state

June 8 – 30(b)(6) deposition(s) of the State Department regarding the processing of FOIA requests, including Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, for emails of Clinton and Abedin both during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state and after

June 28 – Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and a senior advisor to Clinton throughout her four years as secretary of state and also had an email account on

June 29 – Patrick F. Kennedy, undersecretary for management since 2007 and the secretary of state’s principal advisor on management issues, including technology and information services


Important Election Lawsuit Update   

Judicial Watch to Monitor Wisconsin Polls, Sets Up Election Fraud Report Hot Line Judicial Watch Sues to Force Clean Up of Oregon Voter Rolls—Lawsuit Alleges the State Has One of W...

Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Appeals Court Rules against Counting of Ballots Received after Election…

Press Releases | October 25, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has issued an opinion reversing a lower court ruling on Mississippi’s electio...

Judicial Watch sues Oregon to force state to remove ineligible voters from voter rolls

In The News | October 25, 2024
From Just the News: Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch on Wednesday announced a lawsuit against the state of Oregon, that would force it to remove ineligible voters from its vot...