Hillary Clinton Should Testify Under Oath — Our investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system entered a significant new phase this week. We announced a schedule of depositions of her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, as well as top State Department official Patrick…http://jwatch.us/DPnSAk
Fed Judge Blasts DOJ Lawyers for Lying in Court to Defend Obama Amnesty — It’s been repeatedly proven that government officials lie regularly to cover up wrongdoing and now a scathing federal court order blasting the Department of Justice (DOJ) and its army of lawyers offers details seldom seen by…http://jwatch.us/PD4dry
Feds Order Colleges to Stop Checking Criminal/School Discipline History Because it Discriminates Against Minorities — The Obama administration has ordered the nation’s colleges and universities to stop asking applicants about criminal and school disciplinary history because it discriminates…http://jwatch.us/pi9udU
Pakistani with Fake Ecuadorean Passport Enters U.S. via Mexico Multiple Times — A Pakistani man with a fake passport and residence card from two different South American countries has been caught entering the U.S. illegally through Mexico and federal court documents reveal he has…http://jwatch.us/dkSrvV
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CLINTON REQUIRED? — “A federal judge recently approved a request from the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch to question Clinton’s aides under oath in a series of depositions scheduled through the end of June. U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan also said he may require Clinton herself to testify, depending on what information comes to light.”…http://jwatch.us/VBVfhv
MILLS & ABEDIN TO FACE QUESTIONS — “Top Hillary Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin have agreed to appear for depositions in a civil public records lawsuit about Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.”…http://jwatch.us/vpHMoQ
CLINTON FLACK ATTACKS JUDICIAL WATCH — “Judicial Watch continues to clog the courts with its partisan lawsuits intended only to hurt Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said. “This suit’s original purpose was to chase bogus allegations about Benghazi talking points, but with that conspiracy theory debunked, it is now being repurposed to continue to attack Hillary Clinton.”…http://jwatch.us/tc6q5v
May 27 – Cheryl D. Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff throughout her four years as secretary of state
June 3 – Stephen D. Mull, executive secretary of the State Department from June 2009 to October 2012, who suggested that Clinton be issued a State Department BlackBerry, which would protect her identity and would also be subject to FOIA requests
June 6 – Bryan Pagliano, State Department Schedule C employee who has been reported to have serviced and maintained the server that hosted the “clintonemail.com” system during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state
June 8 – 30(b)(6) deposition(s) of the State Department regarding the processing of FOIA requests, including Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, for emails of Clinton and Abedin both during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state and after
June 28 – Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and a senior advisor to Clinton throughout her four years as secretary of state and also had an email account on clintonemail.com
June 29 – Patrick F. Kennedy, undersecretary for management since 2007 and the secretary of state’s principal advisor on management issues, including technology and information services