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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!




Top Stories

Judicial Watch Fights State Department for Full Accounting of Clinton-Related Emails on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop – Judicial Watch announced that it is fighting the State Department for a full production of records responsive to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for the emails found by the FBI on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. According to…Read More

Judicial Watch Sues to Expose DOJ FISA Warrant Abuses and Continued Stonewalling of Congress Relating to Russia Collusion Investigation – Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all records of communications between both the DOJ and the Federal Bureau…Read More

More Evidence of Political Coverup in Dem IT Security Scandal – More evidence has surfaced about the disturbing political coverup of grave national security violations committed by the Pakistani who ran House Democrats’ information technology. His name is Imran Awan and last year he was arrested on bank-fraud charges at Dulles International Airport in…Read More

China Syndrome: Rise & Fall of a Clinton Conspirator – “The leopard does not change his spots” is a favorite saying of prosecutors and the rise and fall of Clinton-era conspirator Ng Lap Seng proves the point. Ng cut a colorful swath through the 1996 Clinton campaign finance scandal. At the time, he was a mere millionaire with connections to the Chinese…Read More

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Must Read

Trouble at HUD – “Judicial Watch, a conservative government-watchdog group, in a post called it ‘an amusing—and unbelievable—story’ that HUD is bankrolling an organization that is suing it. Judicial Watch criticized the Obama-era program. ‘[Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing] also requires federal and local governments to spend tens of millions of dollars annually gathering statistics on racial and ethnic concentrations in America’s neighborhoods,’ the Judicial Watch post says.”…Read More

Text Preservation – “Here is a sliver of good news in Judicial Watch’s efforts to find out the truth about the extent of corruption infecting the senior ranks of the FBI, specifically in their lawsuit to get documents about ‘anti-Trump’ senior FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. Judicial Watch was just informed by the Justice Department that, ‘the FBI plans to send letters to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page asking them to preserve agency records on their personal accounts and personal devices and requesting confirmation that they are doing so.'”…Read More

FISA Abuse Lawsuit – “The lawsuit was filed in federal court because the Justice Department and the FBI did not respond to a separate Feb. 9, 2018 FOIA request seeking communications between DOJ officials and members of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary (USSCJ) and communications between DOJ officials and members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). According to the statement from Judicial Watch, the group currently has more than two dozen active lawsuits regarding the ‘DOJ cover-up of the abuses and the stonewalling of Congress related to the year-long Mueller investigation into alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election.'”…Read More

Must Watch

Tom Fitton’s Video Weekly Update – June 1, 2018 – Watch Now

Chris Farrell: Mueller Probe Staff Equates to Conflict of Interest – Watch Now

Tom Fitton: Clinton investigation and the Russia investigation are ‘Two Sides of the Same Coin’ – Watch Now

Tom Fitton: Obama may have Conspired with Foreign Governments to Target Trump – Watch Now


U.S. government employees overwhelmingly back Democrats

In The News | February 13, 2025
From Washington Times: Weeks before the 2020 election, 51 Democratic-loyal former intelligence officials signed a letter essentially saying the incriminating Hunter Biden laptop wa...

Judicial Watch: Court Orders Trump Justice Department to Declare Whether It Will Continue Biden…

Press Releases | February 12, 2025
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ordered the U.S. Department of Justice to declare whether it intends to continue denying Judicial Watch’s req...

DOJ Ordered to Turn Over Fani Willis Files

In The News | February 12, 2025
From Townhall: In another legal victory for Judicial Watch, a federal court has ordered the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to furnish all available files they have on any communi...