State Dept. Has up to 31,000 Pages of New Clinton Records from the FBI’s Investigation; Wants Five Years to Process Them — Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding developments during a court hearing concerning Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act…http://jwatch.us/F3kvdY
Judicial Watch Appeals to U.S. Supreme Court to Overturn Maryland Congressional Gerrymander — Judicial Watch asked the U. S. Supreme Court to overturn a district court decision dismissing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Maryland’s 2011 gerrymandering of its…http://jwatch.us/d5GKwk
Clinton Sent Classified Document to Daughter That State Department Has Identified as “Foreign Relations Activities… Including Confidential Sources” — Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the State Department’s release of 74 additional emails recovered by…http://jwatch.us/ogV1C1
Judicial Watch Asks Court to Compel Hillary Clinton Email Answers — Judicial Watch announced it filed a motion to compel former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to answer three interrogatory questions she refused to answer under oath, submitted to her by Judicial Watch under a court order issued by…http://jwatch.us/PYkvDC
Judicial Watch Statement on State Department Release of 357 New Hillary Clinton Emails — Judicial Watch reacted to the State Department’s release of hundreds additional emails that were recovered by the FBI in its investigation of former Secretary of State Clinton’s use of a non-state.gov email…http://jwatch.us/3DzqKF
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Media Coverage
5 MORE YEARS OF CLINTON EMAIL? —“It may take five years for the State Department and other government agencies to vet, redact and release the remaining messages recovered from Clinton’s private e-mail server as well as those found more recently on a laptop used by a top aide, based on the pace proposed by Justice Department lawyer Lisa Olson. ‘More slow-walking,’ Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told reporters after the hearing, saying that an honest agency wouldn’t move so slowly.”…http://bloom.bg/2fMIL6F
Diane Reynolds’ Classified Inbox — “The State Department released 74 additional emails to Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s private email server. These emails are the ones the FBI found after it completed its investigation. One email included a chain that the State deemed as classified now….one that Hillary sent to her daughter Chelsea Clinton.”…http://bit.ly/2fB2m6u
“9 moments that molded the campaign” via Boston Globe — “When The New York Times broke the news in March 2015 that Clinton was nearly exclusively using a private e-mail account as secretary of state, Fitton was furious — but also felt vindicated. Now he knew the game. He mobilized his lawyers for a months-long legal siege. He wasn’t the only one, and soon other groups, including Vice News, which had also been seeking Clinton’s records, would have a judge on their side ordering the documents released.”…http://bit.ly/2fAoQGp
Tom Tweets — http://bit.ly/2fCau4V
Team Judicial Watch on Instagram — http://bit.ly/2fAx3KL