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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!





State Dept. Has up to 31,000 Pages of New Clinton Records from the FBI’s Investigation; Wants Five Years to Process Them — Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding developments during a court hearing concerning Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act…

Judicial Watch Appeals to U.S. Supreme Court to Overturn Maryland Congressional Gerrymander — Judicial Watch asked the U. S. Supreme Court to overturn a district court decision dismissing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Maryland’s 2011 gerrymandering of its…

Clinton Sent Classified Document to Daughter That State Department Has Identified as “Foreign Relations Activities… Including Confidential Sources” — Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the State Department’s release of 74 additional emails recovered by…

Judicial Watch Asks Court to Compel Hillary Clinton Email Answers — Judicial Watch announced it filed a motion to compel former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to answer three interrogatory questions she refused to answer under oath, submitted to her by Judicial Watch under a court order issued by…

Judicial Watch Statement on State Department Release of 357 New Hillary Clinton Emails — Judicial Watch reacted to the State Department’s release of hundreds additional emails that were recovered by the FBI in its investigation of former Secretary of State Clinton’s use of a email…



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Media Coverage

5 MORE YEARS OF CLINTON EMAIL? —“It may take five years for the State Department and other government agencies to vet, redact and release the remaining messages recovered from Clinton’s private e-mail server as well as those found more recently on a laptop used by a top aide, based on the pace proposed by Justice Department lawyer Lisa Olson. ‘More slow-walking,’ Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told reporters after the hearing, saying that an honest agency wouldn’t move so slowly.”…

Diane Reynolds’ Classified Inbox — “The State Department released 74 additional emails to Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s private email server. These emails are the ones the FBI found after it completed its investigation. One email included a chain that the State deemed as classified now….one that Hillary sent to her daughter Chelsea Clinton.”…

“9 moments that molded the campaign” via Boston Globe — “When The New York Times broke the news in March 2015 that Clinton was nearly exclusively using a private e-mail account as secretary of state, Fitton was furious — but also felt vindicated. Now he knew the game. He mobilized his lawyers for a months-long legal siege. He wasn’t the only one, and soon other groups, including Vice News, which had also been seeking Clinton’s records, would have a judge on their side ordering the documents released.”…



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Biden Corruption Back in Court!

Court Orders Justice Department to Commit on Releasing Biden Audio Tapes Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department Again Over Hunter Biden Investigation Cover-Up CBP Agent Charged wit...

Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department Again Over Cover-Up of IRS Investigation of Hunter Biden

Press Releases | February 14, 2025
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records and communications...

Millions for Kamala’s Failed Root Causes of Irregular Migration Venture Flowed through USAID

Corruption Chronicles | February 14, 2025
The frenzy over President Trump’s crackdown on flagrant waste at the nation’s scandal-plagued global aid agency is finally bringing widespread attention to the outrageous programs ...