No “fake news” here, but plenty of scandalous headlines for you…
Judicial Watch Statement on 2016 Presidential Election — There is no doubt that Judicial Watch changed history with its Clinton email investigations. The election results show that corruption matters to the American people. At a minimum, President-elect Trump should commit to a transparency revolution…http://jwatch.us/qYyKeJ
Judicial Watch and Russell Pearce Sue Arizona Attorney General for Communications with ACLU — Judicial Watch and Senator Pearce’s lawsuit was filed on November 9, 2016, after the Attorney General’s office failed to respond to a request for records under Arizona’s Public Records Law. The…http://jwatch.us/X1N7y7
U.S. Illegally Dispensed $60 Mil to Combat African Ebola Crisis, Money Keeps Flowing — In its crusade to tackle the Ebola crisis in Africa the Obama administration violated its own laws by frantically doling out tens of millions of dollars to leftist groups that claimed they could help control the virus…http://jwatch.us/vp2zv7
A Changing Investigative Landscape — The Emailiad. Homeric in scope, the saga of HRC’s emails is one for the history books, with a major impact on the presidential race. Seemingly every important player in Clinton World appeared in the emails. They are the thread connecting many controversies—the Clinton…http://jwatch.us/8qYgfa
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Media Coverage
NOT OVER — “After Judicial Watch asked a D.C. court to compel the State Department to answer more questions about Clinton emails, Tom Fitton tweeted Wednesday: ‘No, it’s not over.’ Here’s an overview of investigations likely to continue even as Clinton moves out of the political arena”…http://bit.ly/2enpqaV
COPY CATS — “There is also discussion of forming a liberal equivalent to the right’s Judicial Watch, which spent much of the past eight years as a thorn in the Obama administration’s side filing legal petitions under the Freedom of Information Act — and tormented Hillary Clinton with aggressive investigations into her email habits.”…http://politi.co/2fRwlqs
Clean House: Exposing Our Government’s Secrets and Lies
Tom Fitton’s newest book, Clean House, powerfully lays out what Judicial Watch uncovered about the Obama administration during its second term… Hillary Clinton’s secret emails; the Benghazi cover-up; the Obama IRS targeting scheme; stealth amnesty for illegal aliens; and the unprecedented Obama assaults on government transparency and accountability.