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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

$700k To Promote Obamacare


As nationwide opposition mounts against President Obama’s hostile takeover of the country’s health care system, the government shamelessly spends hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to air television commercials promoting the controversial measure.

The feds have hired an aging Hollywood actor to star in TV ads touting Obamacare and Americans are getting stuck with the $700,000 tab to broadcast the spots. It’s bad enough that the “historic” law, frantically rushed through Congress and signed by Obama in March, will cost U.S. taxpayers $938 billion. Poll after poll has revealed that most Americans are against Obamacare.

In a desperate effort to sway public opinion, the government has launched a costly public relations campaign aimed mainly at senior citizens who are concerned that Medicare cuts provide a chunk of the cash to expand coverage for the uninsured. Actor Andy Griffith, well known for playing the sheriff of Mayberry on the hit TV show named after him, claims that “good things are coming” under the health care overhaul, including free preventive checkups and lower-cost prescriptions.

Medicare, the government-run health insurance program for seniors, is financing the ad campaign and assures the commercial is not political but rather part of its “outreach” to “educate seniors” about new benefits available next year. The ad will air nationally on cable channels that seniors watch regularly. The initial cost of broadcasting them is $700,000 but it could end up being higher.

More than a dozen states have already filed lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, which guarantees coverage for more than 32 million uninsured Americans and forces individuals to purchase healthcare insurance. This week Missouri passed the nation’s first statewide referendum rejecting Obamacare with an overwhelming amount of voters casting ballots against it. Several other states will vote on similar measures in November.

Judicial Watch has been investigating Obamacare for a year and has filed more than 20 public records requests to unearth the details of the degenerate, backroom deals that ultimately resulted in the government takeover of the health care system. Among them are secret, closed-door meetings held by the president and vice president with Health and Human Services officials, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and union officials.



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