Americans Fund “Hezbollah High”
The two Arab men charged this week with money laundering to aid terrorism are graduates of a Michigan public high school that is widely known as “Hezbollah High” for its rallies in defense of the radical Islamic terrorist organization.
In fact, the two men, both 20 years old, were star football players at the taxpayer-funded school in Dearborn, Fordson High. Debbie Schlussel has prep football pictures and lists the team honors of Ali Howssaiky and Osama Abulhassan and says that the next time you’re told that all-American Muslim boys play football and are “just like us,” think again.
Howssaiky and Abulhassan were busted in Ohio after police discovered thousands of dollars in cash, hundreds of disposable cell phones-used to detonate bombs–and instructions on how to obtain private flight information during a traffic stop. Police also found a detailed list of flight passengers in the vehicle.
The most disturbing part of this story is that these men apparently began their terrorist training at a U.S., taxpayer-funded public school in Middle America. Ninety percent of Fordson High students are of Arab descent and they frequently participate in pro Hezbollah marches in town. Clearly, they like to take advantage of America’s First Amendment.
Just last week, many Fordson students were among the 5,000 Arabs who marched in Dearborn streets to protest Israel’s defense against Lebanese terrorists. They waved Lebanese flags and chanted, “stop Israeli terrorism” and “long live Hezbollah!” A Fordson student, who participated, was even quoted in the Arab American News.
It may not be surprising that these massive marches in support of a renowned terrorist organization take place in Dearborn, a 27-square-mile city with the largest concentration of Middle Eastern people outside of the Middle East.