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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Auto Execs Fly In Style To Beg For Bailout

The millionaire executives of the big three automakers that Barack Obama is ardently pushing to bail out arrived at the nation’s capital in private luxury jets to ask for tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to avoid bankruptcy. 

The Chairman and Executive Officer of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler traveled to Washington in style to beg for government handouts they claim essential to avoid going out of business. Each made the costly trip in a multi million-dollar corporate jet, according to a major network news outlet that offered the outrageous details.

According to the report, General Motors spent around $20,000 so that CEO Rick Wagoner could take a $36 million luxury aircraft to ask Congress for a $12 billion bailout. He could have flown first class from Detroit for less than $1,000 roundtrip and less than $300 roundtrip in coach. 

Ford CEO Alan Mulally gets his corporate jet as part of his lucrative contract, which paid him nearly $30 million last year even though the auto giant is on the verge of bankruptcy. He doesn’t even live in Detroit, but rather Seattle, and uses the plane to fly home on weekends. Mulally assured the Senate Banking Committee this week that he has cut expenses by closing more than a dozen plants and eliminating thousands of workers. 

He conveniently omitted that his company still operates a fleet of eight private jets for top executives. Regardless, the soon-to-bee president is pushing hard for a taxpayer bailout of the nation’s auto giants, saying that allowing the industry to completely collapse would be a disaster. 


Illegal Alien Crime Update

Federal Agency Trolling Social Media, Reporting ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Judicial Watch Sues for Biden Climate Czar John Podesta’s Records Criminal Aliens “Committing Crimes Ag...

Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Federal Agency Trolling Social Media, Reporting on Alleged ‘Domestic Violent…

Press Releases | August 29, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received five pages of documents from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA – a component of the Departmen...

Criminal Aliens Released in U.S. “Committing Crimes Against Americans at An Alarming Rate”

Corruption Chronicles | August 29, 2024
Of the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States under the Biden administration’s radical open border policies, over 617,000 have criminal records and they ...