Clinton Donor Is a Fugitive Who Ran From Jail
The wealthy New York businessman who has used friends and associates to exceed contribution limits to Hillary Clintonâ??s campaign is actually a fugitive whose legal troubles span two decades.
Official â??HillRaiserâ??â?? Norman Hsu has been a fugitive from the law since the early 1990s when he accepted a three-year prison sentence in California for grand theft but instead disappeared. Hsu received the jail time for cheating investors out of $1 million to purportedly operate a business that never existed.
In the years that he has avoided the law Hsu has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for top Democrats, including California Senator Dianne Feinstein, Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, Illinois Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama and, of course Clinton. In fact, to earn the coveted title of â??HillRaiserâ? Hsu promised to raise at least $100,000 for her presidential campaign.
Although Hsu is wanted by California authorities and he is officially a fugitive in the state, the businessman hasnâ??t exactly been hiding. He has kept a high public profile, participating in big Democratic fundraisers at fancy venues and allowing the photos to be posted on political web sites.
This isnâ??t the first big Clinton donor who is a fugitive from the law. A wealthy Pakistani businessman who funneled thousands of dollars in illegal contributions to her campaign actually appears on the Federal Bureau of Investigationâ??s most wanted list.
Abdul Rehman Jinnah lived in Southern California and fled the country after federal prosecutors charged him with conspiracy and illegal campaign contributions to various Democratic senators. Not surprisingly, Clinton and her fellow Democratsâ??including California Senator Barbara Boxer–said they had no idea that their lucrative donor was violating the law.
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