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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Suffolk County Prosecutors Helped Boston Slayer Avoid Deportation after 2 Crimes

After committing two crimes state prosecutors agreed to reduced charges against the African immigrant who recently murdered two Massachusetts doctors, allowing him to dodge deportation. This crucial information is being ignored by the mainstream media but a Boston newspaper exposed it this week and it’s especially alarming because it appears to be part of a movement by local officials nationwide to help illegal immigrants avoid removal. Earlier this month Judicial Watch reported that state prosecutors in two major U.S. cities have ordered staff not to charge illegal immigrants with certain crimes because it could get the offenders deported. It’s an effort to help alien criminals avert “collateral immigration consequences,” and the fallout could be catastrophic.

In the recent massacre, an immigrant from Guinea-Bissau, on the west coast of Africa, slashed the throats of two local doctors, 49-year-old Richard Field and 38-year-old Lina Bolaños, inside the south Boston condo they shared. The crime scene was gruesome, according to local news reports, and the doctors’ bodies were bound at the hands. The walls were covered in blood and the assailant, Bampumim Teixeira, wrote a message of retribution on the wall. Teixeira’s ex-girlfriend told a local media outlet that he had been released from a “house of correction” just weeks before he murdered the doctors. Several media reports included Teixeira’s criminal history and that he had pleaded guilty to larceny, but extremely relevant information has been withheld.

It turns out that prosecutors in Suffolk County, where the crimes occurred, went along with a plea deal that allowed Teixeira to avoid deportation. The local newspaper that broke the story got ahold of an audio recording of the hearing in which Teixeira’s attorney and a state prosecutor presented a joint motion to reduce the charges against him. At that point, Teixeira had been charged with two counts of unarmed robbery and the backdoor deal let him get off easy with a charge of larceny from a person. Last summer the African immigrant was arrested for robbing a Boston bank that he also admitted robbing back in 2014. Here’s an excerpt from the news article: “The prosecution and defense also recommended Teixeira serve 364 days in jail — nine months to serve, credit for 78 days already served, and the balance suspended for three years. They also recommended his first robbery case be marked “guilty filed,” a resolution that exempted him from immigration penalties.”

Under federal law legal U.S. residents can be deported if they commit an aggravated felony with a prison term of at least 12 months. Under the deal, Suffolk County prosecutors cut with Teixeira, he got a 364-day sentence, which was a day short. Immigrants with green cards can also get deported if they’re convicted of crimes involving “moral turpitude,” the news article points out, but Teixeira’s 2014 robbery case was resolved as “guilty filed,” which allows a judge, with prosecutor and defense consent, to forgo imposing a sentence on a defendant. The official statement from the Suffolk District Attorney’s office is to deny that this thug received any sort of leniency to prevent him from suffering immigration consequences, though the facts sure seem to contradict it.

It appears to be part of a broad effort by local prosecutors around the country to shield illegal immigrants who commit crimes from federal authorities. Judicial Watch’s report just a few weeks ago focused on new policies implemented by the Brooklyn, New York District Attorney’s office and the Baltimore, Maryland State Attorney’s office. Both local prosecutors issued orders directing lawyers in their office to think twice before charging illegal immigrants with crimes because it could get them deported. Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, elected to uphold and enforce criminal laws, wrote in his order that the goal is “minimizing collateral immigration consequences of criminal convictions” and avoiding “disproportionate collateral consequences, such as deportation, while maintaining public safety.” In a similar directive Baltimore Chief Deputy State Attorney Michael Schatzow told his staff to think twice before charging illegal aliens with petty crimes because President Trump’s deportation efforts “have increased the potential collateral consequences to certain immigrants of minor, non-violent criminal conduct.”


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