Cruz, Lee Warn Trump Not to Tap Former Clinton Aide as Ambassador to Colombia
The GOP senators’ concerns about MacManus’s time serving as one of Clinton’s closest aides stems from reports that he was one of three of her aides who knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack within minutes of it happening.
Emails obtained by Judicial Watch from the State Department through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit show that MacManus forwarded the news of Ambassador Christopher Stevens’s death to the official in the State Department Legislative Affairs Office with instructions not to “forward to anyone at this point.”
Conservatives have expressed outrage that Clinton still issued an official statement claiming the assault may have been in response to an inflammatory video posted on the Internet even though she and her top aides quickly knew it was a terrorist attack.
The senators also are likely to question MacManus on whether he played any role in allowing Clinton to conduct government business via a personal email account on a private server and did not force her to use a government-issued cell phone.