D.C. Blows Off Obamacare Illegal Alien Insurance Ban
Though Obamacare prohibits subsidizing health insurance for those living the United States illegally local officials near the nation’s capital are offering illegal aliens coverage through a new insurance exchange created to comply with the law.
This essentially means that the District of Columbia is flipping the finger at the president, who masterminded the hostile takeover the country’s healthcare system, as well as top Democrats. It was not that long ago that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi assured that taxpayers will never cover healthcare costs for illegal immigrants, even those who stay under the Obama amnesty.
In May a congressional newspaper quoted Pelosi: “It is stated very clearly in the Affordable Care Act, [and] it is our position in the immigration bill: no access to subsidies in the Affordable Care Act. Secondly, no access to Medicaid; no cost to the taxpayer,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “That has always been the Democratic position.”
D.C.’s new exchange tells a different story, however. It was created to comply with an Obamacare mandate that forces states to establish a health insurance exchange in accordance with federal rules. The feds will create an exchange in states that refuse to do it. D.C.’s exchange (D.C. Health Link) is described as an on-line marketplace created for individuals, families, and small business owners to shop, compare, and select health insurance that meets their health needs and budgets.
That seems to be in accordance with Obamacare, but scroll down on the D.C. Health Link page and there’s this: “Are there health insurance options available for residents who are not eligible for most programs due to immigration status?” Here’s the answer: “The District of Columbia operates a locally funded health insurance program known as the D.C. Healthcare Alliance for District residents. You may qualify for coverage even if you do not qualify for other health insurance programs due to your immigration status.”
As outrageous as this is, it’s hardly surprising considering who’s running this perpetually corrupt municipality. D.C. already has a sanctuary policy that was issued via executive order by its scandal-plagued mayor, Vincent Gray, in 2011. It bans police and other city agencies from asking people about their immigration status. The order also guarantees that local law enforcement officials will not detain illegal aliens, report them to federal agencies or even make them available for federal immigration interviews without a court order.
Gray, a veteran D.C. councilman who has been embroiled in a series of corruption scandals throughout his political career, claims the order ensures public safety by assuring that police resources are deployed wisely and that immigrant communities feel safe cooperating with cops.