DOJ Grant To Empower Illegal Aliens
The U.S. Department of Justice has given a public university a special grant to help illegal immigrants in the Midwest and teach their employers, primarily in the meatpacking and construction industries, how to curb discrimination against foreign-born workers.
Indeed, the government agency charged with defending the nation’s interests and enforcing the law is helping those who have violated it. The Justice Department is supposed to ensure public safety against foreign and domestic threats and seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior not reward them.
Instead, the agency has given the University of Iowa a $50,000 grant to help empower the illegal immigrant labor force that, according to a press release, substantially benefits significant Midwestern industries. The taxpayer money went to the school’s Center for Human Rights, which plans to stop the exploitation of immigrant workers who are too often vulnerable to discrimination and unsafe working conditions.
Among other things, the school will use the cash to extend significant outreach activities to immigrant workforces in Iowa and Nebraska and provide educational opportunities to the business community relating to immigration law and the rights of foreign-born workers. Industries notorious for hiring illegal aliens, such as meatpacking and construction, will be heavily targeted.
The Justice Department has a history of protecting illegal immigrants and accommodating them in exchange for their testimony in the criminal prosecutions of U.S. law enforcement officers. The agency recently brought deported illegal aliens back to the U.S. to testify against an Arizona sheriff who enforces immigration law through a federal partnership.
A few years ago, Justice Department officials actually went into Mexico to give a drug dealer immunity to testify against two veteran Border Patrol agents who intercepted his U.S.-bound vehicle loaded with 743 pounds of marijuana. The admitted Mexican drug smuggler got shot trying to evade the federal officers and the Justice Department prosecuted both of them. Incredibly, the agents got convicted of causing serious bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm and violating the drug smuggler’s civil rights.