We Thank You!
For 21 years now Judicial Watch has been fighting government corruption and working to uphold the rule of law. Your generous support is one reason for our success in fighting government secrecy, corrupt politicians, in both political parties, and the brazen lawlessness of this Obama administration. And our services have never been needed more…
Politicians, media organizations, government officials and American citizens are literally lining up to seek Judicial Watch’s help in enforcing the law.
Many observers here in Washington, DC are saying that our successes in challenging government lawlessness and secrecy are remarkable. In fact, we often succeed in forcing the release of documents that Congress is unable to access! Make no mistake: your support has a huge impact.
Thank you for making us America’s #1 Watchdog!
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About Judicial Watch Donations
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Judicial Watch by emailing us or calling us toll free at (1) 888-593-8442.
Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are received from individuals, foundations, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For a copy of our latest IRS form 990 send an email to [email protected]