FARRELL: Hold An Impeachment Vote, Nancy Pelosi — If You Have The Guts

From The Daily Caller:
Washington is all aflutter over an alleged quid pro quo deal that President Trump is rumored to have tried to strike with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a routine phone call on July 25. The story goes that Trump tried to pressure Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden’s allegedly corrupt business dealings in exchange for continuing foreign and military aide.
This evidence-free accusation started Democrats fulminating about impeachment for pressuring a foreign power to dig up dirt on the son of a possible Democratic nominee. Of course, they have kept their ire firmly under control when it comes to Obama CIA Chief John Brennan enlisting the assistance of several foreign intelligence services and operatives to try to derail the 2016 Trump campaign. And let’s not forget when the Democratic National Committee also pressured Ukraine to look for dirt on candidate Trump.