Fitton: FBI Uncovers Even More Clinton Emails

From Tom Fitton’s Breitbart story:
The government malfeasance in the Clinton email scandal is seeming never-ending.
The State Department just confessed to a court that FBI found more Clinton emails that were then Turned over to State for review. In the November 15, 2019 filing, the State Department informed the court that the FBI located additional Clinton emails that potentially had not been previously released:
[T]he Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) recently sent [the State Department] additional documents as part of the ongoing inter-agency consultation process in connection with other FOIA litigation. [The State Department] is working to determine whether that set of documents includes any responsive, non-duplicative agency records that have not already been processed. [The State Department] will promptly update [Judicial Watch] and the Court once that initial review is complete.
The FBI filed this court ordered joint status report in response to our May 6, 2015, FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)). Our FOIA lawsuit seeks all emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton and other records about her non-governmental email account.
Earlier this year, Judicial Watch announced that it received 756 pages of emails that were among the materials Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified and were transmitted over her unsecure, non-“state.gov” email system. This production was supposed to be the final production of Clinton emails. Judicial Watch estimates that the FBI being only able to recover or find approximately 5,000, including classified material, of the 33,000 government emails Clinton removed and tried to destroy. The FBI uncovered 72,000 pages of documents Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose.
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