Fitton: Impeachment About Nothing

From Tom Fitton at Breitbart:
“Our video Weekly Update gives you my latest take on the Coup Cabal show trial hearing this week.
Suffice it to say here the corrupted case for impeachment suffered major setbacks this week. There was no direct, or indirect evidence, of any misconduct by President Trump. In fact, none of the witnesses ever communicated with President Trump. This is why I’ve been calling this the “Gossip Girl Impeachment.” So as the case for impeachment against President Trump is exposed for the sham it is, the testimony this week confirms that the Obama State Department was concerned about the Biden-Burisma-Ukraine scandal.
The coup hearings this week were unconstitutional and corrupt but also petty and boring. The case against President Trump is so weak that his opponents’ case against him is failing even as they deny President Trump his God-given and constitutional right to defend himself and confront his accusers.
You can track my hot takes on the impeachment charade here, here, and here and watch my full Weekly Update on the crisis here.”